Hospitality Management

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Customer Service Policies in Hospital Management

Customer Service Policies in Hospital Management


Hospitality is not just about attracting visitors for facilities and quality of the products and services. It is about the services that distinguishes hospitality industry from the rest of the service providing industries. In hospitality industry, the nature of the relationship between the customer and hotel management is very delicate, and it requires the complete care of the customer. Hospitality industry not only includes hotel industry, but the major portion of the hospitality industry is comprised of tourism. Tourism and hotel industry complement each other and the boom of the tourism industry will result in the boom of the hotel industry.

Task A - Research Report Discussing The Customer Service Policies And Evaluation

The most important part of the hospitality industry is the satisfaction of the customer by providing the quality of the service. Several studies have shown that hotels that provide a high level of service quality to the customer the chances of a customer returning to that hotel are very high. Providing high quality and comfortable rooms is not the all to raise the level of satisfaction of the customers, but taking personal care of the customer is the essence of the customer services. Providing customers with staff services, sort of amenities and priorities and providing customer security are few significant methods of service quality to raise the customer satisfaction (Victorino et al., 2005, pp.560).

In the atmosphere of cut-throat competition, customer satisfaction has become a matter of survival. Big and successful hotel like the Hilton and the Holiday Inns take no time to implement such services policies that are aimed to raise the customer satisfaction. Providing customers facility to book the room of hotel on specific floor in advance, asking customers to provide feedback and making sure that all the promised delivery on time are some important customer service policies to raise the chance of customer satisfaction.

The conceptualization framework for the customer satisfaction is expectancy disconfirmation theory developed by Oliver, and he argued that the satisfaction level of the customer is the result of difference between perceived performance and expected performance. If the delivery of the product is better, then positive disconfirmation (satisfaction) occurs and negative disconfirmation (dissatisfaction) occurs when the service is below the expectation.

One of the important factors to increase the customer satisfaction is the friendly and approachable behaviour of the staff of the hospitality industry which most of the cases went heedless. Successful hotels hire such support staff and management staff which are friendly and comfortable while customer interact them. Customer when first come into hotel, he/she first interacts with the management of the hotel and here the first impression of the hotel is made. If the customer gets it queries solved in a friendly way, then he/she anticipate the service of hotel of quality. When the staff and management of the hotel talk customer in a friendly way, the customer feels for him/herself as an important and ...
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