Hospitality Industry

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Hospitality Industry

Hospitality Industry


This paper intends to discuss various important aspects associated with the hospitality industry of United Kingdom. The scenario of the paper is that I am a country manager for the Intercontinental Hotel Group United Kingdom. With the passage of time; the quality standards tend to change and therefore the board of directors of Intercontinental Hotel Group intends to review the quality procedures of all the hotels present in United Kingdom. The basic reason behind the review is that the maximum quality standards are complied and also the allocation of staff is optimized throughout the chain. For this purpose, understanding of the contemporary hotel industry remains important. This particular paper will provide an overview to the board of directors regarding the contemporary trends within the Hotel Industry of United Kingdom. The overall purpose of this paper is to make the readers aware about the significant aspects associated with the Hotel Industry of United Kingdom.

Staffing in the Hospitality Industry

Staffing Requirements of the Intercontinental Group United Kingdom and Different Type of Staff Found in the Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry is assumed to be one of those which witness extremely high turnover. Therefore, the constant staffing requirements tend to change. The Intercontinental Group of United Kingdom essentially have a chain of hotels; thus making a huge requirement for the proper staffing. Staffing remains one of the most crucial tasks for any successful and renowned hotel mainly because majority of the staff in hotels tend to have direct interaction with the customers. Also, the staff needs to be competent enough to meet the ever changing quality standards (Barrows & Powers, 2008).

Realizing the fact that many hotels are familiar with the notion that hospitality industry has some of the highest turnover rates; the Intercontinental Group tend to focus over its employees as they are the internal customers ( The staffing requirements of Intercontinental Group are huge and particular due to the name and reputation of the brand image it has built over the passage of time. The staffing requirements of Intercontinental Group ranges from the management and administration level, the food department, the cleaning department, the welcoming department; thus every single aspect of hotel staff needs to be essentially competent (LLC, 2010).

The different type of staff found within the hospitality industry basically focuses over the overall reputation of the hotel. Since the hotel seems to provide every essential service to its customers; the underlying staffing requirements increases. Typically, a hotel requires competent staff which can fulfill the needs of the customers round the clock. The types of staff required for a hotel ranges from janitors, to the chefs, managers, interior decorators, electricians, plumbers and what not. Every work that is required to run a home successfully needs to be done within hotels; therefore, relevant workers are needed (Anonymous, 2013 Pp. 1-4).

Roles, Responsibilities and Qualification Requirements of Staff

As discussed above there are various types of staff required in a hotel. The staff of a hotel needs to be competent enough for meeting the ...
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