Hospitality Industry

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Hospitality Industry in the UK



Scale of Hospitality Industry4

Scope and Diversity of Hospitality Industry5

Structure of Hospitality Organizations6

Different Size Operations in Industry6

Different Customers6

Service or Commercial Sector7

Working within a Budget or Profit Making7

Open to the General Public or Restricted Customers7

Hospitality Related Professional Bodies and Organizations8

Institute of Hospitality8

British Hospitality Association8

International Hotel & Restaurant Association9

Staffing Requirements of Hospitality Industry10

Qualifications, Roles and Responsibilities in Hospitality Staff11

General Manager11

Front Desk Staff11

Housekeeping Staff12

Cooks, Hostess and Host12



Operational, Managerial and Legislative Issues Affecting the Hospitality Industry13

Skills and Labor Shortage13

Construction Costs13


Travel Permit Restrictions14

Current Position of Hospitality Industry14

Future Developments and Trend in Hospitality14


Social Networking15

Ad Targeting15

Shared Technological Services16

Green Hospitality16

Impact Analysis16



Hospitality Industry in UK


The hospitality industry consists of private clubs, takeaways, cafes, restaurants, pubs, inns, bed and breakfasts, guest houses and hotels. Hospitality is defined as the provision for entertainment, food and drink, accommodation and other services for tourists, travelers and visitors. In United Kingdom, the hospitality industry consists of many local and national operations.

The local businesses refer to the hospitality businesses which are unique to a specific area or town. They operate as independent businesses and are owned by partners or individuals and are not a part of any national chain. Though the experience for the customers is not as predictable as the national chains, these outlets provide interesting and specialized menus and a wide range of accommodations at different prices (

On the other hand, there are many hospitality related companies which have chains of outlets around the country. The well-known names are Burger King, Pizza Hut, Yates's, Starbucks, Nando's and Premier Inn. The biggest advantage of this type of chain outlets are that the customer is aware of what he will be getting. All the outlets in the chain have same pricing, menu and style of furnishing.

Location plays a very important role in the hospitality businesses, the customers in this industry need to visit the outlet for experiencing its services and goods. It affects the prices charged and the services offered. The other way in which the hospitality industry can be seen is through the size of businesses. Many businesses in this industry are small due to which they have a low turnover and generates profit which provides the owner with modest income. On the other hand, the businesses which are running the renowned national chains employ thousands of people and have operations of multi-million pounds (

This assignment is focused on understanding the present structure of this industry, its staffing requirement, developments that have affected the hospitality industry and the recognition of various developments and trends in future of hospitality industry.


Scale of Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry has an estimated turnover of almost 90 billion pounds and is almost worth forty six billion pounds to the economy of UK in terms of profits and wages. It contributes more than two million jobs in a direct manner and more than one million jobs through the multiplier effects. It is the fifth biggest industry in terms of employment (Oxford Economic, 2010, p. 05).

Almost one hundred and fifty new hotels have been ...
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