Hospitality Industry

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Hospitality Industry

Hospitality Industry


Hospitality industry is an inspired concept that was awoken by travelling. It is one of the principal service providing sectors in the world economy. People away from homes require best and economical lodging facilities available. Hospitality industry provides services to all such people. Hospitality itself is a wide topic covering all those areas that are involved in one way or the other in providing lodging, transportation, tourism and entertainment. Travel and tourism industry encompasses the hospitality industry. The travellers of earlier times were mostly people travelling in search of knowledge or jobs. They include warriors, businessman and scholars. These people would search for accommodations and food. Warriors would stay by pitching up tents and businessman searched for comfortable accommodations and food. The people who were economically poor were given the facilities of accommodation and food without charges.

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The business of hospitality is said to be both profit earning and non-profit earning. Where commercial hotels and restaurants are making profits, the cafeterias, religious catering stations are non-profit making. The services rendered by the hospitality industry are need based. Depending on the needs, services vary. Traditions of proving hospitality is different among nations. The extent and importance of being hospitable is very much related to the culture and religion being followed in that region. In different parts of the world, traditional hospitality patterns are followed like in Honolulu guests are greeted by ladies decorated in flowers. In some regions, local people gathers at the airport for welcoming the guest. In Bangkok shoe shining service is given to the guests staying at hotels in morning indicating a welcoming gesture (Hospitality Industry, p. 4-5).

Current Structure of the Hospitality Industry

Size and Scope of the Hospitality Industry

The figures available from UK government sources show a consistent growth rate across the country in the early years of the 21st century. Hospitality industry in UK holds a total of almost 127,000 separate businesses. The restaurants, pubs, bars and clubs have shown strong turnover rates. A large part of hotel turnover is dependent on the room sales. In terms of employment, the restaurants are the largest sector and in the lead followed by other sectors that is pubs, bars and clubs. The growth of the hotel sector is slow, and the food service sector is growing steadily (Restaurant`s space, 2009). Hospitality industry is not just about pubs and restaurants; it includes 12 other sectors of industry too.

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There are four types of ownerships in the hospitality industry. There is partnership relationship in which two individuals or entities merges for doing business. Another kind of ownership is leasing in which the lodger pays money to the owner of the ground or building. Then there is franchising in which an already built hotel is purchased, and the names and logo comes along with the purchase. Last is the contract management in this property is bought, but the purchaser is not in any hurry of running the business.

In UK, these hospitality organizations provide employment to above 2 ...
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