Hospitality Industry

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Effects of Wellness Programs & Employee Assistance Programs Role in Hospitality Industry


The paper is divided is into three chapters. The first chapter of the paper is an introduction about Effects of Wellness Programs & Employee Assistance Programs Role in Hospitality Industry. The second chapter of the paper discusses methodology part that has been used to complete the literature section of the paper. The research study is based on a qualitative design which comprises of different methods which are implied equally in different organizational aspects. The data in the study has been collected through the resultant methodology and has been used to perform the investigation. The third chapter of the paper covers the literature and discussion part regarding Effects of Wellness Programs & Employee Assistance Programs Role in Hospitality Industry. The final chapter that is chapter four concludes with the overall discussion.

Table of Content


Chapter 11

Chapter 25


Interviews and surveys5

Question design7

Analysis with Stringer's Model8

Chapter 310

Literature findings10

Design component of wellness programs11

Management in dealing with wellness programs16

Hotel Spas19

Offerings of restaurants20

Stress management in hospitals21

Benefits of wellness programs22

Reduced absence leaves23


Employee Assistance Programs24

Identification of employee assistance program25

Current practices of EPAs in hospitality industry26

Occupational health psychology26

Interventions related to NIOSH27

Responding services28


Fields of promotional practices for wellness programs32

Chapter 434




Effects of Wellness Programs & Employee Assistance Programs Role in Hospitality Industry

Chapter 1


This research discusses the effects of wellness programs and employee assistance programs role in hospitality industry. Hospitality industry is a business management which deals with land category of field which include service industry such as lodging, restaurants, event planning, theme parks, transportation, cruise lines and additional fields which are inspired by the tourism industry to be specific. It is an industry through which billions of dollars are earned by several individuals on a routine basis and the profitable outcomes are monetary. It's an industry that depends on the availability of leisure time and disposable income which is brought about by different categorizations and levels of hierarchy. If there is something which has to be affecting or implementing the organizational level more than once or in the multiple influential manners, there can be different motivational and economic factors behind it.

There is a fundamental organizational unit for any hospitality industry which prevails in a society and there can be multiple groups associated to it; for instance hospitality unit such as a restaurant or hotel or even a park which is built for the amusements of individuals has several functional units such as facility management, direction operations including serving, housekeeping, porting different necessities, kitchen working, bartending and other welcoming services which are equally important and considerably affecting one another (McFillen, 1986).

There isn't a concept about hospitality industry which is not depending on another; they are relatively approachable and covering a wide range of applications. The management of business features still remains the same with different functional aspects including marketing, branding and human resources.

Functions of hospitality industry in the sense of offering food and accommodations on a regular instance are inevitable and comprehendible. With the skill-sets required for a set of task ...
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