Hospitality And Tourism

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Hospitality and Tourism Strategic Planning in SMEs

Hospitality and Tourism Strategic Planning


SMEs in the tourism, hospitality and leisure industries are increasingly recognized as important for the competitiveness of the UK economy. According to statistics in the UK in 2001 for the Small Business Service (SBS, 2003), small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) account for 99.8 percent of 3.7 million businesses operating in the UK, accounting for 55 percent of employment and 51 per cent of the turnover . The figures quoted in the hotel and catering only to show more than 123,000 businesses of which 98.3 percent was less than 50 employees. These enterprises accounted for 43.4 percent of employment from a total of 1,560 million and 47 percent of the total turnover of approaching £ 50 million. Although there are no directly comparable statistics for the tourism sector, it is expected that they will show the same trends (Francis, pp.108).

Environmental Analysis

When analyzing the business environment for small and medium-sized enterprises, Hollis (2003) examined a number of international criteria for the study, including the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, the EU and the growth plus Europe, to identify areas of common interest to SMEs, and they were seen, the administrative rules access to finance and lack of qualified personnel. Examples from the hotel and restaurant sector found that those small businesses are largely due to the presence of suitable premises and taxation. While personnel-related matters less anxiety, they have found health and safety and minimum wage to be an obstacle in terms of negative impact on cash flows, restrictive payment mechanisms, and related penalties (Francis, pp.112).

Everything we do is because of our client. We do not do anything because we think that looks good. This is done because it is what the client wishes.

In the report, performance management, there are references to the concept of "customer relationship management" and "... the definition of goals and objectives" is defined in the report of communications and "providing clear direction" along with "a vision of future possibilities" are mentioned in the guide report. One of the five key areas identified in the operational planning and control of the report was "knowing the customer", so that the target markets can be clearly identified and selected, and marketing can be managed. Finally, "knowing your customers" was one of six key aspects of value added tax report, while owners of "being" not clear about their goals "is seen as an obstacle to effective partnerships and networks(Cassell, pp.682).

Best practices in defining goals around customer focus based on business owners who have well-developed idea of what they want out of business and the establishment of appropriate personal, social and commercial objectives that provide clear direction for the business. This is based on several factors:

* Knowing your customers;

* Develop detailed service standards for each market segment and benefits package;

* Communicate a clear sense of direction or mission of business for all the people who work in it;

* Provide good feedback from the success of the operation ...
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