Hospital Management

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Hospital Management

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Hospital Management


The Royal London Hospital is a proud provider of healthcare services and leadership in clinical care. It aims to provide them throughout its lifetime and with the guidance of able board of directors. This paper describes the strategic plan to provide the necessary features and support the ongoing development of the key attributes of the hospital's service.



The Royal London Hospital was started in 1740 and funded by the businessmen, professionals and philanthropists at that time. It was intended to provide treatment to the sick and poor, specifically to the merchant seamen and labour class. The operations went on and in 1757 the new hospital building was built. Later on a medical college was opened and provided education to the students. Throughout the 17th and 18th century, many things were performed and many things planned. During the Second World War, the hospital played a central role in organizing emergency services. It suffered heavy damage from enemy bombings as well. In 1948, the hospital became a part of National Health Service (NHS). In 1994, The Royal Hospitals NHS Trust was formed which combined with three other hospitals to become one of the largest Trust hospitals in Europe (Bart's Health, 2013).

With a rich historical background, the future must be made bright with careful planning and processes. Since it was created to provide treatment to those who couldn't afford, the RLH made its objective to provide treatment to such people and even today it does so with findings from major agencies of UK. However, to accommodate future admissions, the organization must develop strategies to manage the patient load and a balanced workload for the employees.

Strategies and Models for Managing Capacity and Demand in Healthcare

The key purpose here should be to help people stay healthy and provide timely, patient-centred and top quality health care to each patient. This requires a strong leadership, clear priorities and well-trained staff, all working together and sustaining performance throughout the system. In future, focus on providing timely services to everyone and at the same time research and education will prove an invaluable tool to manage capacity and demand in healthcare. As the population is increasing, the number of births will become an important issue to address and at the same time the ageing population requires long-term care. With over 500 beds and being the largest acute hospital in Europe (BBC, 2013) there are several ways to manage the capacity in the clinical setting. It must be noted that operational efficiency might suffer due to focused groups because it would show that demand for some particular case is reduced and will create false facts.

The objective is to predict the requirements months ahead to be prepared when the need arises. Many hospitals have designed their strategy to keep the large bed capacity in order to avoid the shortages in periods of fluctuation. RLH follows the same principle, with over 500 beds in place; it would take a sudden emergency to run out of this ...
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