Hormones, Fertility And Infertility Treatments

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Hormones, Fertility And Infertility Treatments

Hormones, Fertility And Infertility Treatments

Which hormone stimulates follicular development?

Follicle-stimulating hormone stimulates follicular development. It is a hormone found in humans and other animals. It is synthesized and secreted by gonadotrophs of theanterior pituitary gland. 

Which hormone stimulates ovulation?

Luteinizing hormone stimulates ovulation. LH is an acronym which stands for Luteinising Hormone. Hormones are chemicals in your body that are made in one place and are used in another. As the name suggests, LH is responsible for luteinising the mature follicle in your ovaries after ovulation. It is one of the two gonadotropins (so called because it stimulates the gonads), the other being its partner, FSH, which stands for follicle stimulating hormone

Which hormones inhibit their secretion?

Stimulating Hormones

Releasing Hormones

Therefore, which hormones would be effective in the combined contraceptive pill?

Synthetic hormones are used in the contraceptive pill. The advantage is that they are not broken down by enzymes in the liver.

What is the common factor in the formation of an enzyme substrate complex and the recognition of target cells by these hormones?

Some proteins have the ability to alter the ligands to which they are linked, ie they act as molecular catalysts. Its function is to accelerate by several orders of magnitude adjusting the chemical balance and speed of chemical reactions, which without them would take forever. These proteins are called enzymes . To perform this acceleration process which obtains the enzyme is to achieve the reduction of activation energy of reaction.

Enzymes direct chemical and energy transformations that occur in each cell . But to perform these basic functions and vital for our life should have a capacity to interact specifically and reversibly with ligands, which is given by its spatial conformation in the binding site. For the enzyme to modify the ligand (substrate from this time) it must "fit" into the binding site of the enzyme. For this we say that there is complementarity between enzyme and substrate geometry.

Suggest how the structure of a synthetic hormone might enable it to recognise its target cell but not be broken down by enzymes in the liver.

Hormones don't arecognize athe atarget acells. aThe atarget acells arecognize athe ahormone. aThere aare areceptor aproteins aon athe acell amembrane athat abind awith athe ahormone aand athen athe ahormone ais aengulfed aby athe acell aor ait ais abrought athrough athe amembrane. aIf athe areceptor aproteins aare amissing, athen athe ahormone awould be ineffective

Which hormones stimulate the development and maintenance of the endometrium?



Progesterone is athe aovarian ahormone athat's aresponsible afor aprotecting athe auterine alining afrom abeing aoverly astimulated aby aestrogen.

What happens when the level of these hormones drop towards the end of the cycle?

The first aday aof athe amenstrual acycle ais adefined aas athe afirst aday aof amenstrual ablood aloss. aThis ais awhen athe auterus abegins ato ashed aits alining aand ableeding aoccurs. aAt athis atime athe asecretion aof ahormones a(oestrogen aand aprogesterone) afrom athe aovaries ais aat aa aminimum. aThis adiminishes athe abraking aeffect athat acirculating aovarian ahormones ahave aon athe asecretion aof athe agonadotrophic ahormones afrom athe apituitary agland, anamely aluteinizing ahormone a(LH) aand afollicle astimulating ahormone a(FSH). aAs aa aconsequence athese apituitary asecretions aincrease aand astimulate ...
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