Horizontal Violence In Nursing

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Horizontal Violence in Nursing

Horizontal Violence in Nursing


Horizontal violence (HV) is defined as an intergroup conflict and is exhibited in covert or overt non physical enmity and hostility such as scapegoating, infighting, sabotage and criticism. This notion is mostly referred to nurses. It is often described in terms of behavior and response associated with. Example of these behaviors is ambitions, jealously, personality traits, and lack of respect for their fellows. Very rarely horizontal violence is linked to the political affairs in health care and nursing.

In the health care sector, the position of nursing subordinate is well documented and long established. In the early history of the occupation of nursing, the subordination of nurses and the ideologies of female working as nurse have been well maintained. It is further reinforced by nursing education, socialization and particularly professional socialization process. Nurses, as a result perceive themselves as ineffective and powerless to change and dare to challenge the current status in health care and nursing (Duffy, 1995).


According to the definition of International Council of Nurses, horizontal violence or lateral violence is the manifestation of such behavior that degrades, humiliates, or otherwise exhibits a lack of respect for the worth and dignity of an individual. Nursing 2011, in the spring of 2011, undertook a survey to analyze the frequency of horizontal violence nurses encounter and experience. Results suggest that more than 80% of the participants have witnessed and experienced some sort of horizontal violence. Many respondents believe that this ethical topic is not given the appropriate attention and numerous respondents expressed the horizontal violence insignificant as comparing the broad perspective of issues of the nursing industry.

Literature Review

In the nursing sector, the prevalence and actual incidence of horizontal violence are relatively unknown. These incidents are often underreported and unrecognized. However, more recent assessment asserts that lateral violence is fairly common at 65% to 80% of the survey conducted by the nurses. Horizontal violence is very detrimental, and it damages one's dignity and results in the demotivation of employees. Horizontal violence arises from fellows and co workers who are supposed to support and guide, and this aggression is very damaging to the profession of victims of horizontal violence. Horizontal violence in nursing has special implication for those students who choose nursing sector as a career. Horizontal violence can impact the whole health care team because of ever-widening clash among the groups of employees. The effect of horizontal violence, in worst cases reaches the patients because of a rift among employees. Many nurses who are the victim of horizontal violence have left the nursing, and many of them are considering leaving, this has resulted in the shortage of nurses. Anger, work absence and powerlessness have been noticed and reported due to the act of horizontal violence. Nurse leader is in effective position to eliminate and prevent horizontal violence by providing suitable resources in the form of education and support. Trusting behavior of nurse leader helps staff to feel better and supported. It is pertinent to report the acts of ...
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