Hong Kong

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Hong Kong: Migration, Immigration, and Emigration Effects on Religion, Women, & Minorities

Hong Kong: Migration, Immigration, and Emigration Effects on Religion, Women, & Minorities


Hong Kong was leased to United Kingdom till 1997 and then went under the china special administrative body. Chinese and British Governments signed " Joint Declaration ", the PRC Government had promised that Hong Kong will ring in 1997 with at least five years after the generous high degree of autonomy to Hong Kong would maintain the generous system of all child life, all child diplomacy with the defense than generous external relations, on the Department based on two systems .At the moment, Hong Kong is under the jurisdiction of China. Economically, Hong Kong has proved it's self as during the World War II, this region flourished, when the whole world was destroyed by the adverse effect of the aftermaths of World War II. Even today Hong Kong is considered to be one of the most favorable economies of the world, mainly because of strong administrative, legal and political system of Hong Kong.

According to FMS, in 2009, Russia moved some 13 million immigrants, which is 9% less than last year. More than 70% of foreigners coming from CIS countries - in particular Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Moldova. In Russia, annually arrive more than 12 million migrant workers United States in 2005 was admitted to the 38.4 million immigrants themselves. On the 3rd place after Russia (12.1 million in 2005) to the size of immigration were Germany - 10.1 million people, Ukraine - 6, 8 million people, and France - 6.5 million people (Yip.2002).


Firstly we need to differentiate between the following concepts, in order to avoid any confusion.


Entrance of a person (a stranger) into a new country for the purpose of establishing permanent residence. Motives for immigration, like those for migration generally are often economic, although religious or political factors may be very important. High rates of immigration are frequently accompanied by militant and sometimes violent an individual, which calls for immigration restriction or deportation by nationalist groups. Most countries have special immigration quotas and restrictions, as referred to immigration laws.


Emigration is the exit of persons of a particular country, region or place to go to a different location and migration corresponds to the entry of persons to a country, region or place, from other places. Emigration differs from short trips to the personal and business purposes or tourist travel that necessarily involves a change of residence. Emigration does not necessarily imply naturalization and the acquisition or change of nationality or citizenship. Russia in particular, allows its citizens to have a second citizenship.


Migration is the change of residence of a person or persons temporarily or permanently, usually with the intention of improving their economic situation and their personal and family development. When a person leaves the city, state or country of residence to move to another place becomes an immigrant, but to become established to a new municipality, state or country, that person happens to ...
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