Will strict Gun Control Laws Reduce the Number of Homicides in the US?
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Table of Content
Homicides Background2
Homicides statistics3
Role of keeping firearm in Homicides5
Age Pattern in Homicide7
Strict gun control laws- a solution8
Will strict Gun Control Laws Reduce the Number of Homicides in the US?
Historical comparisons and evidences have long been offered as a proof that areas with highest proportion of gun owners have the highest ratios of homicide. It means that more firearms would lead to more homicides and fewer firearms would hence lead to fewer homicides. Unfortunately, this has been a debatable discussion since decades and yet no clear conclusion has been derived. Some of the researches prove that United States homicide ratio by far is the highest as compared to other countries. Gun violence is very common in US, involving the young adults and juveniles. It not a issue that has recently developed and gained the attention. In 1865, The President of United States Abraham Lincoln was assassinated then in later years followed by William McKinley, James Garfield and John F. Kennedy.
Many incidents have occurred over time that has fueled the debate over the homicides. There are various circumstances that lead to homicide. It may involve robbery; originate in domestic violence or in street fights. It is considered that Homicide occurs mainly due to the use of firearm or hand guns, but the reasons that may lead to the homicide are characterized by unemployment, poverty, less education, being target of discrimination and unstable family background
Homicides Background
(Source: FBI uniform crime reports)
Stell, L. (2004), in his report he summarized the homicide trend since the beginning of the century till 2000. In the starting of the century the homicide rate was 1.2 per 100,000. Over the years, after 1904 the rates increase substantially and in 1933 reached the peak level of 9.7. Then in the next years till 1944 the homicide rate went down to 5.0. This was the time when US was suffering from Great Depression. Slight increase was seen in 1946 when it reached 6.1 and from then on in 1955 it fell to 4.5. Then steep increase was seen in 1974 at 10.1, and it went to highest level to 10.7 in 1980. There were some slight fluctuations, but then it started declining in 1994 and in 2000 it reached 6.1.
However, according to Riedel, M. homicides rates in the United States are significantly high as compared to the homicide rate in other developed countries. He suggests that countries at different phases of modernization will reflect a different homicide trend depending upon the controlling laws of government, criminal motivation and societal condition. He further says that a very important modernization theory prediction is that crimes related to property will increase, where as violent crimes like homicide will decrease.
Homicides statistics
According to Bureau of Justice statistics
In the beginning the homicide rate was 1.2 per 100,000. Over the years, after 1904 the rates doubled and in 1933 reached the peak level of 9.7.
Then in the next years till 1944 the homicide rate ...