Homelessness In Northern Ireland

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Homelessness in Northern Ireland

Homelessness in Northern Ireland


Homelessness has been a significant problem for Northern Ireland in the recent past. It has created severe problems for government officials and policy makers. Number of a homeless person has been increasing since 1980s. Cut in housing and social expenditure deteriorated the economy. Northern Ireland is home to people belonging from diverse cultures. The different cultures have given rise to the formation of communities, each distinguished through a peculiar set of traditional values they practice (Lipton, 2010). Because there exist diversified communities, the problems they face are of the diverse nature. We cannot single out a particular problem for a single community.

However, as stressed by many researchers, homelessness is primarily a social phenomenon, the description in purely legal terms. Neither the formal right, to live in the property or absence of this law is not determinative, because nothing in terms of homelessness. There are times when family conflicts prevent actual in place, which is a, or satisfying the housing needs in the absence of a formal check-in and right to reside in the property. Homelessness today is a problem that affects all countries in the world. It does not matter whether they are poor countries or rich. Homeless people live everywhere. Each country tries wherever possible to deal with this problem.

The concept of homelessness refers to people completely devoid of any shelter. For these people, apartments are railway stations, basements, stairwells, and even garbage.

When we talk about a homeless person we imagine a guy dirty, badly dressed, it smells very bad and half drags broken cartons. We may in fact, an individual dust, clinging to a "tetra brick" of wine and talking out loud ranting. Until we reach him sleeping on the porches of a church or an ATM, if not avert our eyes dodged or not to feel affected. What defines this person is the lack of a roof.

If we talk about a homeless person, we also refer to people who have a roof but in the literal sense of the word you are missing all of living in a real home. Vegetate perhaps in a shelter or boarding of those cheap to be eliminated to "get pretty" to the city. They lack the minimum housing conditions that allow them to live with dignity, the warmth of a family, the support of a group of friends (Morse, 2010). There are many people who are homeless but are hidden because of loneliness; suffering and anguish can be disguised. But not their situation ceases to be a real drama. It is difficult to find in any news media that refer to homeless people, except to talk about some violent act or a death-say.

In fact, if we look at the insides of social functioning, we realize that almost always excluded people have become so driven by the circumstances that have been touched to live, as a tragic lottery.

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