Homeless Shelter's-How Deserving Are The Most Vulnerable Homeless

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Homeless Shelter's-How Deserving Are the Most Vulnerable Homeless


This research paper entails the study about the homeless people, the factors leading to the increase of it and the possible government solution that are being made to support these homeless people. Since 2009 there has been a documented decrease in the homeless people by 1%, which thought is a positive sign.Table of Content




Statistics of Homeless in America1

Factors Contributing to Homelessness2

Government Shelter Programs4



Homeless Shelter's-How Deserving Are the Most Vulnerable Homeless


Thanking god for coming home enjoying a cup of coffee, teasing siblings, funning around with friends, spending times with parents, sharing pity issues of not having new dress to wear on Saturday night part, having warm and cozy bed to sleep and shedding cold winter near heater. What if all is these luxuries, comfort, coziness is taken away from us just in spilt seconds, and we are nowhere to go; no one to talk; no one to share; no one to belong to; no food to eat; being dependent on charity; no life to enjoy; no clothes to decide from what to wear today, and no place to sleep?


Statistics of Homeless in America

During 1990s, when the world was in the phase of economic development and prosperity, the statistics of homeless increased with the uncontrollable rate and only then, five to six thousand people were taken as homeless that is without safe, permanent and decent place to live and meeting their basic needs.

Since 2009 to 2011, percentage of homeless people has decreased by 7000 people that are 1% decrease, being 643,067 to 636,017. During 2011, there has been a drastic increase in the individuals getting homeless, which is 399,836, which includes 17% of non-chronic individuals and 46% of the families. Significant decrease has been noted amongst the homeless veterans, which is the 11% decline in their homeless population. The decrease is of 8,000, which in 2009 were 67,495 and declined to 67,495 in 2011.

The national rate of people getting homeless during 2011 was 21 people being homeless per 10,000 people. Whereas, the rate of veterans getting homeless was 31 veterans homeless per 10,000 veterans. There was the decrease of 3% in chronic homelessness, which in 2009 was 110,911 to 107,148 in 2011. The decrease in the chronic homeless was due to the increase in the supportive housing beds, which in 2007 were 188,636 and increased to 266,968 in 2011. There was notified decrease of 1% in the families being homeless, but 11 states in United States were which reported 20% increase in families being homeless, where Mississippi showed 50% decrease and Wyoming demonstrated 310% in the families homelessness (www.endhomelessness.org).

Factors Contributing to Homelessness

The basic reason for the cause of homelessness is the economic factors and natural disaster. However, in today's era where the world is in the phase of crashing rescission, market crashing all around the world, downsizing in the organizations, excessive inflation and resulting in unemployment is all the contributors to the people and families being homeless. The four basic economic indicators that lead ...
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