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A society cannot truly be considered or classified as advanced or ideologically correct, if it is not able to safeguard the interest of the weakest stakeholders or minorities (Gowan, 2010). The human society must develop the adequate infrastructures and systems to provide care and attention for all of the population, and especially y the individuals who require the most assistance. Because without the assistance provided by the regulatory authorities the weaker stakeholders in the society would not be able to lead a respectable or healthy lifestyle. It is important to note that even these groups of people are a part of the mainstream society, and their interests cannot be treated on a separate basis.

The issue in the San Francisco regarding the homeless population has become very significant in the contemporary times, as a substantial part if the society has voiced a concern against this issue. There are people on both sides of the debate, who view the homeless situation as a critical component of the welfare of the society. The groups against the rights of the homeless believe that these individuals have the same rights and resources, as the rest of the population; hence they should not be provided additional assistance. The additional resources that the government authorities allocate for the homeless can be better spent on other areas, which require the government attention. The supporters of the assistance to the homeless groups believe that these individuals require assistance to be able to change their current adverse situations. I believe that the homeless individuals require the assistance from the government authorities and also the rest of the population so that they are able to rise from their poverty stricken environment. Without this positive assistance the homeless would become further burdens on the society and situation would become even more dramatic.


San Francisco Homeless Dilemma

San Francisco is on the forefront of the homeless dilemma in the country, as the vast population living under the poverty line has begun to clash within the mainstream society. The situation can be best exemplified by the overtaking of the beautiful and state of the art library built in the city at an amazing cost of 137 million dollars. This beautiful and iconic stricture which is a cultural representation of the society is now overrun and actually inhabitated by the homeless in the region. On the outset the presence of the societal undesirables in such a structure make a unwanted sight for the locals, however the critical analysis would how that the situation highlights a real and big dilemma which is brewing within the core of the city (Derbyshire, 2003). In the past the best solution to deal with the ugly and unwanted dilemmas such as the homeless, was to ignore such questions, however the population such individuals has now became too large to ignore. The reason why the homeless population is ignored by the general middle class population of the city is due to the inability of such individuals to become active members ...
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