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Homelessness can be seen as a significant problem for world in last few decades. The issue of homelessness has created severe issues for policy makers and government officials. Since 1980s, the number of a homeless individuals and families has been increasing dramatically. Cut in housing and social expenditure has resulted in deteriorating the economy. Talking particularly about San Francisco, United States of America, it is home to people belonging from diverse cultures. The different cultures have given rise to the formation of communities, each distinguished through a peculiar set of traditional values they practice (Lipton, 2006). Because of the existence of diversified communities, the problems they face are of the diverse nature. We cannot single out a particular problem for a single community.

Different researchers around the globe have different opinions and perceptions regarding the issue of Homelessness. On one hand, people view homeless individuals and families as being lazy, alcoholic or unwilling to work in order to bear the expense of their livings. These researchers perceive homelessness as a social issue. They believe that homelessness is a growing threat for the society and sufficient efforts should be taken in order to reduce and eliminate it. Some people perceive homelessness as a phenomenon in which people are not willing to help themselves. They are keener to ask for other people's help rather than working hard in order to earn money (The Salvation Army, 2011).

Other view of homelessness in San Francisco is that homeless individuals and families are really in need. They cannot earn enough to fulfill the needs of basic living. Therefore, it becomes important for governments, health care organization and other law making authorities to take active part in providing aid to these people.


The concept of homelessness describes individuals and families that are fully devoid of any kind of shelter. For instance, places for such people are basements, railway stations, stairwells, and even trash. Committee for Social Welfare, the initiator of the "500 days for the homeless", gave a proposal to define the concept of citizens living in the region of San Francisco who do not have "a room or place of meeting the conditions of living, or for various reasons, are unable to exercise their place of residence ". Generally, a homeless individual is perceived to be dirty, badly dressed, and smells bad and contains broken cartons. On the other hand, theses individual are perceived to be one with dust, clinging to a "tetra brick" of wine and talking out loud ranting.

Homeless people are also referred those who have a place for living, but in the literal sense, they are missing all of living in a real house. Vegetate perhaps in a shelter or boarding of those cheap to be eliminated to "get pretty" to the city. They lack the minimum housing conditions that allow them to live with dignity, the warmth of a family, the support of a group of friends (Morse, 2006). There are many people who are homeless but are hidden ...
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