Homeland Security And Local Government

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Homeland security and local government

Homeland security and local government

Homeland security

Homeland security has a contextual meaning that pertains to the protection of the country. In the United States, the term refers to special efforts taken by the American government to prevent the terror attacks in the country. The whole idea behind homeland security is to enhance the security for the masses dwelling inside the country. The term pertains to exploration of tactics that attempt to reduce and eradicate the vulnerability of the country towards terrorism, as well as, minimize the damage expected from terrorism. The emergence of homeland defense in the United States pertains to the 9/11 attacks.

Homeland defense encompasses of so many agencies, as well as, government entities that ensure security and protection of population. Homeland defense is primarily focused upon the protection and safeguard of the US territory, domestic population, sovereignty of the country, and formulation of a critical defense infrastructure against external threats, as well as, internal threats. It also caters to the protection from threats that are indicated to be serious through presidential orders.

The entire homeland security domain in the United States is managed by the United States federal homeland security and homeland defense. The department manages around 187 agencies and security entities for the country. The security encompasses of following areas;


Emergency preparation and emergency management

Radio-active and radio-logical material detection

Researching for the next generation security technologies

Transportation security, land, aviation and the maritime

Border security, maritime, as well as, inland and country borders

The protection of security infrastructure, as well as, maritime layout

Domestic and international activities pertaining to intelligence

The local government

The local government pertains to the governance in a small area or geographic location. In the United States, the premise of local government includes the governance system of individual states and territories within the United States; pertinent to laws and regulation of each state. The government is comprised of two different tiers to manage the mechanism, these their tiers are counties and municipalities. The major role of local government is to designate the roles and responsibilities for administration of individual state affairs for the country. It is usually the lowest tier of central government. It usually encompasses of the powers and rights that are pertinent to legislature or directive implied by the federal government. The geographical entity under a local government comprises of a province, region, county, department, prefecture, city, township, district, borough, municipality, shire or village.

In the United States, the local government domain is based upon the laws pertaining to individual states. In the United States, the local government comprises of counties and municipalities. There are few states that are further divided into townships, as a third tier. The American federal government encompasses of laws varying from state to state. These laws are approved by the parliament as per the needs of population of a local entity. The tiers of American local government are discussed below;

The county government

They are organized forms of local governments, state constitution and ...
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