Disciplines for the Christian

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Disciplines for the Christian life


Donald S. Whitney is one of the best intellectuals and speakers on the topics of spirituality and Christianity. He has written a number of thoughtful books among like 'How can I be sure I am a Christian?', 'spiritual disciplines within the church', and 'family worship'. The 'Disciplines for the Christian life' is a comprehensive book which discusses a number of aspects of Christian life like the prayer, worship, evangelism, fasting, learning, and the meditation.

Book Review

The 'discipline of Christian life' defines and discusses the importance of ten spiritual disciplines as a separate chapter in the book. The author defines that the purpose of following the disciplines is to seek the way of God. Whitney defines that the person needs proper direction to follow the directions or else it will lead to drudgery. It stresses that the purpose of achieving Godliness can only be attained through following the disciplines. The God changes guides a person to Godliness through three ways of people, circumstances, and the spiritual disciplines. The lord expects people to practice spiritual disciplines and try to achieve the way of Godliness.

The chapters of Bible intake focuses on how the Bible should be read, understood, and lived. The most basic form for a faithful person is to regularly hear the word of God. A spiritual person may also read and study the word of God. Finally, the highest stage is to memorize the scripture and use it for the purpose of meditating upon the word to achieve the path of Godliness. The author also defines ways which can help in memorizing the scripture.

The second spiritual discipline discussed in the book is prayer. The author attempts to tell the importance of prayer. He discusses that even Jesus had to pray to God, so every Christian should pray more often. It has also been discussed that praying is not an option based on convenience, rather it is a compulsion based on conviction. It is also important to learn the prayers.

Worship is also a spiritual discipline in which people having the same faith gather to show a sign of love to God. The concept of worship can be private, family, corporate, and lifestyle. The chapter also defines the key elements of worship from the excerpts of the sacred text.

Evangelism is the spiritual discipline in which a devotee shares the points of faith with other. Evangelism is ...
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