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Homeschooling is the education of children at home, typically by parents. There are a lot of reasons for homeschooling such as health problems (diseases or disabilities), distance to school, religious and family reasons, and individual approach to advanced or slow children. While the Public schooling system is a place where parents first consider educating their children and creating a social network where children receive an array of changing environments (De Bhuinn, 2001).

The concept of homeschooling objective is to create a learning environment for the where children are being approached to seek knowledge and promote self-motivation because it influences the child to increase their capability to learn at their own pace. This is a survey of few students which has been taken in a mall for the students who are being educated in public schools and socializing with friends and are away from parent control environment (Nemer, 2002).


Plato, a famous philosopher, said that “Do not train children to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each”. There is a huge difference in public schooling and home schooling because they both are totally different learning environments. A public school system has a formal and structured environment where a child feels as he/she is professionally being trained and taught by a teacher, while in a home schooling system a child does not have a proper structured schedule to study or manage the timings for his/her study and other extracurricular activities (Nemer, 2002).

The survey was being conducted for 5 people who were asked a couple of questions which resulted in the number of students who are in favor of public schooling or home schooling. The most common questions asked were:

What is the level of satisfaction that you derive from home schooling rather than public schooling system?

What makes you think that public school environment is far better than studying under the parent's observation?

Does self study helps you more in learning at home or being taught by a professional at public school is better?

To be smart and advanced is it necessary to have socialization or living independent groom's better ethics to communicate?

These questions were asked to retrieve responses from a sample of student population. A feedback was being taken from each child to gather information for a sample of students who prefer public schooling more than home schooling. Parents play a vital role in educating their children as they refer homeschooling far more better than public schooling because they can't tolerate their child being bullied, peer pressured, teased or get in complex etc. To avoid such circumstances parents prefer homeschooling better than public schooling where their child can be spoiled while socializing with other boys and girls (De Bhuinn, 2001).

While on the other hand, those parents who can't give time to their children usually prefer the public schooling system where according to their perspective they think that a professional guidance from ...
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