Home Activity

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Home Activity

Home Activity

In this paper, we will discuss the activity of playing Ludo Game at home by a set of players. Ludo is a board game for two to six people. It is one of the classics of German board games and is a descendant of the Indian game Pachisi . The goal of the game is to own four pawns move from the starting field to the target fields (often called "house" referred to). This requires that the characters go around the board once.

The board is in the single-issue with twosided printing, so that Ludo is played for a maximum of six players on one side and a maximum of four players on the other side. In Game Packs often lack the version for six people. Playing three people on the field for four, then the players in the middle have as serious disadvantage, because he was the only one opponent directly behind them, as well as the starting area of another adversary. Therefore, it is the third game to make sense to take the field for six people and there to use every other starting area.

On the board for a maximum of four people, there are four colored starting fields (usually red, black, green and yellow) with four positions (number of characters per player) recorded in the corners. The A-box ("A t the beginning" (also called S-box ("S tart")), indicates the position occupied by a one litter of six newly introduced token at the beginning. The arrow indicates the direction of travel. After pulling the token circulation must be in each of the four matching colored target areas. The box is designed for six people the same way (Tyler, & Cartwright, 2004).

Anyone who rolls a six, must make a separate character from the starting position out of the starting space of the playing field. Then he may roll again and move forward with the figure corresponding to the number of fields. The starting field will be cleared as soon as possible. He has no longer figure in the starting position is, so he is free to advance the six fields with a figure of their choice. Even then he may roll again and take another train. If the circulation of a character on a field that is already occupied by an opponent's pawn, the opponent's piece is considered to be beaten, and must return to ...
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