Home Abuse And Neglect

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Home Abuse and Neglect

Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

[Name of the Institute]



Different types of elder abuse and their signs3

Physical abuse3

Emotional abuse4

Sexual abuse4

Abandonment by caregivers4

Financial exploitation5

Healthcare fraud and abuse5

Neglect of elder patients in nursing homes6

Preventing elder abuse and neglect7



Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect


This research paper will analyze the factors of elder abuse which has been seen rampant in the society. With the increasing elders become more vulnerable to various diseases, Elders are treated very badly in the nursing homes and people can harm them in many different ways. Their mental and physical health started to decline in old age which makes them weak and they cannot defend themselves against abuse. The nursing homes where elder adults reside do not take care of elder people and the staff members are not well trained. According to the research conducted on elder abuse in United States, more than 0.5 million cases of elder abuse are reported every year and millions of elder abuse cases go unreported. These victims of abuse go to the nursing homes so that they can start a new life. On the contrary, the nursing homes do not make appropriate arrangements for the elderly people who were being abused. This report will explain the different types of home abuse which are prevalent in the society and highlight the role of nursing homes in treating with the victims of elder abuse. In the end, important suggestions which can stop this unusual practice are being discussed and recommendations are given about stopping this practice.

Different types of elder abuse and their signs

Elderly abuse is of many types which have been described by various researchers and psychologists. Following are some most prevalent types of elder abuse:

Physical abuse

Physical abuse is defined as the use of forceful measures against the elder people which result in physical pain and injury to their body. In this abuse, elder people suffer extreme pain sometimes because of the use of force against them. This abuse is most common among the elderly victims of abuse. The signs of physical abuse with elders include signs of physical injury such as bruises, scars and marks on different parts of their body

Emotional abuse

Emotional abuse is also called psychological abuse. In this abuse, elder people are blackmailed emotionally which creates mental pressure and severely affects their mental abilities. Emotional abuse can also be done by intimidating and yelling on elder people. Sometimes humiliating and cursing elders also causes this type of abuse. The signs of emotional abuse in elderly people include stressful behavior which shows anguish on their face.

Sexual abuse

Sexual abuse is referred as doing the sexual intercourse without the permission of elder and making frequent assaults on the elders. The signs of sexual abuse in the elder people include bruises on their private parts, herpes and various forms of infections

Abandonment by caregivers

In the old age, most elders are neglected by their family members. They become a burden and family member find it difficult to take care of the needs of the ...
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