Holy Roman Empire

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Holy Roman Empire


So many wars fought in the world, some last for 10 years, some last for 15 years and so on. What is happening in Afghanistan and Iraq, twenty years, thirty or forty years, what happened or what still may happen in Israel, Lebanon or somewhere else. In order words, considering military events, political events and human events are very distant, something which is important to us because it allow us to take stock, to learn any lesson, to see how we can avoid problems or provide solution to conflict situation.

The destruction in Germany throughout 30 years was the most annihilating experienced by any Europe. In this war, around four million people that make around 20% German population died due to the military action, plagues, disease and hunger that results of the 30 years of war. There are varieties of explanation for the result of the war. These explanations rarely talk about the merits of the alternative analysis; neither do they make their own explicit underlying assumptions.

Hence, the thirty years war was a primarily a struggle over the religious and political order within the Empire. In this paper, we will discuss the most important causes of the 30 years war in the Holy Roman Empire.


The origin of the war is complex and no single cause can be identified as the main reason for the fight. However, there are certain causes which were highlight during the war which can be consider as the main cause of the war. The initial cause of the war was due to the religious conflict between Protestants and Catholics in the Holy Roman Empire.

The international political and religious conflict devastated Germany in the first half of the seventeenth century. A new equilibrium came to the universal aspirations of the Habsburgs and the rise of other powers (search.proquest.com).

The causes of the great religious revolt of the sixteenth century must be sought as far back as the fourteenth century. The doctrine of the Church, indeed, had remained pure. Holy lives were still common in all parts of Europe, and the many medieval institutions benefit of the Church continued its course without interruption. Any unfortunate conditions that existed were largely due to civil and secular influences, or the exercise of ecclesiastical authority in civil spheres.

These did not have the same intensity in all places, not always occur simultaneously in the same country. Church and religious life in various places showed vigor and varieties of thrives education and charity work. Religious art in its forms was a living force. There were many domestic missionaries and influential with uplifting devotional literature which was common and appreciated. However, largely due to variously hostile spirit of the civil powers, nurtured and reinforced by many elements of the new order. This grew in many parts of Europe political and social conditions that put obstacles to the sincere efforts reformation in the Church. This transmitted favor to the unscrupulous, who found a unique opportunity to unleash all the forces of heresy and ...
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