Holocaust Directed Against The Jews

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Holocaust directed against the Jews

Holocaust directed against the Jews


In 1933 the Jewish population of Europe stood at over nine million, and most European Jews lived in countries that Nazi Germany would occupy or dominate during World War II . By 1945, the Germans and their collaborators had killed about two of every three European Jews as part of the Final Solution, the Nazi policy to murder the Jews of Europe. While the main victims of Nazi racism were the Jews, who considered the greatest danger to Germany, among the other victims included 200 thousand Roma (Gypsies). At least 200 000 physically or mentally disabled patients, mostly German and living in institutions, were killed in the framework of so-called Euthanasia Program. The non-Jewish Polish intelligentsia were persecuted and murdered by the Germans.


In the early years of the Nazi regime, the National Socialist government established concentration camps to detain political opponents, both real and ideological assumptions. Also, the German authorities established numerous forced-labor camps, in the so-called Greater German Reich and in German-occupied territories, for non-Jewish Germans who sought to exploit their labor.

Before the attack on the Soviet Union, Hitler saw to it that even after the new eastern front, a similar competence as confusion arose in Berlin: Heinrich Himmler , on 13 March 1941 special tasks, arising from the final discharged fight between two opposing political systems. The SS is not even bound by the instructions of the armed forces, assured Goering on 26 Of March. The Reich Marshal Hitler commissioned on 13 May, the conquered land to the German economy to exploit. Alfred Rosenberg was since 20 April for the "central processing of the issues of eastern Europe in charge, and before it on 17 Was appointed in July to the Reich Minister for Occupied Eastern Territories, stated Chief of Staff, Franz Halder: The army cannot be burdened with all the tasks, therefore, cooperation with Reichsführer-SS in the police, the Reich Marshal in economic and Reichsleiter Rosenberg, in political terms.

Heinrich Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich in the war against Poland established of the Security Police and SD received the 1941 mission to track down and kill communist officials. From the beginning, they also shot Jews, Sinti and Roma. Members of the firing squad mocked their victims are still alive: they set fire to the Jewish men smirking beards or forced them to kneel as in prayer, and beat them down the headgear. The photos she took pictures while sending them to malicious comments on their families back home.

The Jews in the 19 September 1941 by Germans occupied Kiev were requested by the alleged acts of sabotage carried placards, on 29 September to come to the freight depot in the city. From there, members of Task Force 33 771 men, women and children drove to a nearby ravine Babi Yar and asked them, valuables, luggage, coats, shoes, clothing and lingerie store. The Jews had to go naked to a precipice, where SS men killed them with shots in the ...
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