Holistic Nursing - Core Value And Healing Vs. Curing

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Holistic nursing - Core Value and Healing vs. Curing

Holistic nursing

Holistic Nursing

The holistic nurses do believe that the human being is composed of body, mind and soul, an indivisible whole, indivisible and unique, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, in constant interaction with others and the environment. A space / time determined by own life, of every human being, the health and well-being depend on the harmonious relationship between the three components of the human being. This way of being, living, to know, to act, to live in and for Nursing, becomes a great journey to build day by day, by the presence affective and effective, the unconditional acceptance of the other, the attention and compassion.

The holistic nurse can and should facilitate the growth of both the caregiver and the target of these, especially helping the care receiver to find the meaning of their life experiences, their purpose and their reason for being. The use of fundamental standards of nursing knowledge: scientific, ethical, personal and aesthetic and sociopolitical serve to ensure the continuity and development into the future though that presents itself as Unknown, requires precaution in decisions today will determine tomorrow.

Concept of Healing

The human reproduces and develops so as not to introduce diseases. Those who commit it excluded from genetic predispositions, have their origin in bad eating habits, the environment, the inappropriate behavior, the accidents, the inappropriate use of drugs, the appropriate use of medication, but they produce side effects in mental disorders in occupational origins, the lack of information and knowledge and there are even those due to irresponsibility, lack of self-discipline and good sense.

When there is any disturbance or injury in any part or organ of the body, the body itself understands as mind triggers organic defenses needed to return to equilibrium cure. ...