Holistic Approach To Behavioral Health Care (Mental Health And Substance Abuse)

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Holistic Approach To Behavioral Health Care (Mental Health And Substance Abuse)


The rationale of holistic approach to behavioral health care program is to integrate health care services for mental health disorders and addiction due to drugs. The purpose of integration is to enhance the health outcomes of patients suffering from addiction and mental illness simultaneously and confront difficulties in adjusting to the existing treatment and psychiatric medication. The program will be used to provide adequate education and knowledge to patients and ways through which they can make healthy decisions and adapt healthy ways of life. The services will be integrated through the program to , provide patient centered care, discourage substance abuse through counseling and reducing stigma due to mental health illness. The program will be used to optimize physical and mental health outcomes and improve the wellbeing of patients through interventions that could help reduce the prevalence of mental health diseases and substance abuse among people.



Background of Program2

Comordity: simultaneous prevalence of mental illness and Drug abuse2

Reasons behind the occurrence of mental diseases with substance abuse3

Issues related to Mental illness and drug abuse3

Problem statement4

Need for integration of mental illness and drug addiction4

Literature Review5

Current Health Services and co occurring diseases5

Mental disorder and Substance abuse are inter-connected6

Impact on patients of current health settings7

Theoretical Framework8

Description of the policies embedded in the program9

Evaluation of the program11

Results of three policies11

Implementation of Program in Clinical settings11

Planning and Development Process11


Objectives of the Program12

At patients level12

At hospital and health organization level12


Holistic Approach To Behavioral Health Care (Mental Health And Substance Abuse)


At present the prevalence of mental health related diseases that have an adverse impact on a persons' behavior has increased significantly. This has also increased substance abuse issues in the society. To overcome anxiety, stress and depression people make unhealthy choices that not only have adverse impact on their physical health but also have adverse impact on families and society they live in. It is important to foster ways that could help reduce factors that leads to such mental distress and dependence on different substances and drugs. Interventions and health promotion programs have become a basic necessity in health care system when it comes to overcoming the prevalence of mental health diseases (Patel, et.al. 2013).

Holistic approach to behavioral health care program is a form of an intervention that is designed to reduce the prevalence of mental health diseases and substance abuse among people. The program is based on the integration of health care system with mental health care services. Mental health related risks are associated with physical health related diseases. But often it is the environment and social culture that leads to mental health related diseases in people. Through the integration of two systems it will become easier to address the issues that lead to such behavioral health related issues that encourages people to get involved in substance abuse (Garfinkel, 2009).

Purpose Statement

The purpose of the program is to provide health care facilities to patients suffering from co-occurring disorders. The program would facilitate in providing interventions through integrated ...