Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions

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Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions


In this research paper, the six dimensions regarding the natural cultures of the Hofstede's model are defined. The framework of the six dimensions is helpful in defining the culture of an organization. The paper also explains the dimensions and the time durations by comparing the culture of Germany and United States. The research paper also addresses the leader's aspects in relation to communication, motivation and team work from other cultures. The research paper concludes all the study of various dimensions and the aspects time orientation creates.


Comparisons In Between Germany And United States1

About Germany1

Power Distance1



Uncertainty Avoidance2

Short-Term Orientation2

About USA3

Power Distance3



Uncertainty Avoidance4

Long-Term Orientation5

A Leader Dealing With The Aspects Of Communication, Motivation And Teamwork5







Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions


The human minds collective mental programming defines the culture. It differentiates the people's group from one another. The thinking patterns related to the programming makes an influence reflecting the people's meaning that are attached the life's various aspects. The dimensions of Hofstede are based on the Michael Bond's study in Hong Kong. The dimensions include the following as; Power Distance (PDI), Individualism versus collectivism (IDV), Masculinity versus femininity (MAS), Uncertainty avoidance (UAI), Long-term versus short-term orientation (LTO), Indulgence versus Restraint (IVR). The study noted that the dimensions that were presented before the six ones were not adequate in order to reflect the perspectives of an Asian culture. In the perspective of time durations, in the long-term orientations for fostering the virtues have an orientation towards the rewards given in future. Whereas, in short-term orientations, the virtues fostering were related to the past and present in the traditional respect through preservation of face and the social obligations fulfilling.

Comparisons In Between Germany And United States

About Germany

Power Distance

In Germany, the score in this dimension is 35 and is not among the countries having lower power. The communication is participative and direct having the common style of meeting (Gallant, 2010).


In Germany, the society is totally individual based having 67 of score. The belief of self-actualization is very common. Loyalty is considered to be the sense of responsibility and duty which is based on personal preferences.


Germany with a score of 66 in this regard is considered to be the society of masculine. They value performance very high. A lot of self-esteem is drawn by people from their tasks and they live to do work (Gallant, 2010).

Uncertainty Avoidance

The score of Germany in this regard is 65. For the high uncertainties, Germans prefer to give compensation by having their expertise strong rely.

Short-Term Orientation

Germans in this dimension score 31and is a short term oriented culture. For traditions they exhibit great respect and go for the normative culture (Gallant, 2010).

Figure-01. Germany's Ranks of Dimensions

About USA

Power Distance

Power distance is the dimension dealing with the fact that individuals in societies are not of equal value. This dimension expresses the cultural attitude in accordance with the inequalities among them. The power distance in US is relatively moderate which means that the power of interaction across all the levels is cooperative for creating the ...
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