Hiv-Human Immunodeficiency Virus

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HIV-Human Immunodeficiency Virus

HIV-Human Immunodeficiency Virus


The problem of HIV has been increasing day by day. HIV has been one of the most deadly diseases and no proper cure has been developed for this disease. This is the reason that a huge number have died of the same disease. A phenomenon in which the immune system of the person is deteriorated day by day is called HIV. This disease is caused by a virus called retrovirus. This disease has been a major concern for doctors and many drugs have been innovated to eliminate these diseases in people. Nowadays it has been established that the HIV inhibition can be achieved through many combinations of antiretroviral drugs and this therapy is called HAART.


Primary HIV infection occurs during the early stage, and a large amount of HIV gets in the peripheral blood and then the immune system begins to respond to the virus by producing HIC antibodies and cytotoxic lymphocytes. When HIV test for antibody is done before the occurrence of this stage, there is not any sureity that it will be positive. Clinically asymptomatic stage is the span of this stage varies from individual to individual. This stage usually last for a relatively longer period of time. Although there may be swollen lymph nodes, it is free from major symptoms (Combadão & Gomes, 2009). The presence of HIV levels in the peripheral blood is reduced to a very low level, but people are still infectious and HIV antibodies can be detected in the blood, so antibody tests will show positive results. Symptomatic HIV infection occurs as soon as the immune system fails to restrict viruses from spreading in all over the body variegated symptoms begins to appear. In the early stages, many of the symptoms are very mild and not too low. Progressive HIV and ...
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