History Of Women In Europe 1350-1700

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History of Women in Europe 1350-1700

History of Women in Europe 1350-1700


It can easily be observed from the history that the rights of female gender have always been suppressed by the male gender. In the era of 1350-1700 centuries in Europe, women have to face several issues including ignorance, domestic violence, violation of basic rights etc. The women of that era were expected to look after domestic their duties. They were expected to do the same tasks as the paid servants do. They were considered as the servants of the houses. Their basic rights regarding their education and marriages were badly suppressed. The lives of women between the eras of 1350-1700 centuries were limited to the household sphere. It was the main thought of that particular era that women are created to take care of men. They were supposed to be commanded by male authority. First of all, their fathers were supposed to be their commanding authority, afterwards their husbands ruled them and gave commands to those helpless and weak women .

In this situation, they were spending a miserable life because they had limited opportunities of life. They were restricted to spend their lives according to their own will. In the late middle ages, marriages of women were quite different from the marriages of current era. Women did not have the chance of selecting their husbands; even in some cases they did not know the person before their marriage.

In that era women were not allowed to get education as they were considered to full fill the house hold duties only. This was because of the discrimination between men and women. The people of that era thought that women do not need any kind of education. In that era women did not play any role and were restricted to their homes only. In the proceeding discussion, it is discussed that at what extent women of that era were allowed to participate in the world of art. It is also discussed in the proceeding paper that what the sexual standards of that time were and how those standards are changed in the current era.


Sexual standards for men and women of Europe in 1350-1700

In the era of 1350-1700 centuries, in Europe, women were considered as household servant who was born for taking care of her family. In that era when a boy was born, family, relatives and friends considered as the happiest moment and felt regret on the birth of any girl. They thought that a boy will support the family, morally and financially. It was often observed that women used to cry on the birth of daughter. They did not consider this fact that the women and girl also needs the same opportunities of life as the men needs. In that situation, the identity of women was neglected and the entire society as well as her family limited the chances and opportunities of life.


In the years 1350-1700, gender discrimination was considered as one of the devastating reality. The gender discrimination between ...