History Of Whaling On Or In The Azores Islands

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History of whaling on or in the Azores Islands

History of whaling on or in the Azores Islands


Azores is a place located at a 200 Miles east of Nantucket, providing a deep history to the Nantucket's whaling and cultural history. Marine diversity is one of the chief characteristic of the place. Azores is considered to be one of the best places to explore the way whales and fishes enhance the beauty of this universe. It helps the tourist to discover the beauty lying under the Safari, because on the visits to seas, one can rarely see any whale or dolphin. So, having a skill to see whales is considered to be one of the greatest capabilities of the person. This essay is of an exploratory nature highlighting the history of whaling on or in the Azores Islands.


The whaling history of Azores Island has been rich and the present whaling practices are still influenced by them (Lee, 2004 ). The culture and the history of Azores provide great importance to the whales and whales playing. A new and remarkable factor to the economy of Azores was brought by the Americans who arrived in the place at the end of the 18th and 19th century. Yankee Whalers are considered as the first to come on the Azores islands in the year 1765 who were within a little time span were employed on the ships of the American whaling. Azoreans got employment on the whaling ships as crew members. These Azoreans were chiefly considered as being brave and strong. This opportunity provided them the opportunity to learn the skills from the American whalers and soon they came up with the development of their own whaling receptacles. These containers were longer, narrower as well as faster in speed as compared with the boats and ships of Americans that were in reality their inspiration that lead them to come up with their on vessels. These Azoreans ships were being called as “Pico arrows”. Up till the year 1985, the whaling tradition continued with the help of the similar traditional open boats having a support of the right up hand harpoons.

The history of whaling at Azoreans Islands dates back to the time when Christopher Columbus on the way from his first trip to the New World takes a stop at the Santa Maria. The island serves as a time capsule for many Nantucketers where the whaling tradition remains alive with the help of harpoon and lance for a period of almost 20 years. A number of Nantucketers have their family roots preset today in these islands.

Mark Twain was a tourist who wrote about his travel to the Azores Island. Nantucketers arrived in the islands and became familiar with the whaling industry. The ships of Nantucket and New Bedford kept on regularly stopping at the Azores Islands. The expansion of the whaling industry took place across the Atlantic Ocean to the oceans of Pacific and Indian Oceans. Nantucket whale man at the time of late 18th ...