History Of United States

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History of United States

History of United States



Immigration has always considered as contentious in the United States. More than two hundred years ago Benjamin Franklin concerned that German settler would overwhelm many predominantly British culture of the United States. In mid-nineteenth century an Irish immigrants were scorned as lazy. In the early twentieth century believed that a gesture of "new immigrants"-Poles, Italians, Russian Jews were too different to ever be assimilated into American life. Today, the fears are used against immigrants from Latin America, but critics are wrong, just as were their counterparts in earlier times. In this report we need to study the relation of diverse people contribution in United States and the countries culture. (McLaughlin, 2006)

The culture of immigrants always being in appropriate for the reason of not acceptance of un born Americans, but an integral part of it is still developed due to the high rate of immigrants. Successful waves of immigrants have kept this country demographically young, have enriched its culture and have contributed to the nation's productive capacity, increasing its influence in the world. The three basic indicators of socioeconomic status in the United States are education, employment and income. In a society perfectly assimilated, there should be only minor differences in three measures among populations from different countries. One might also expect that these distinctions fade gradually according to the seniority of implementation of various groups in the country. Data from Census of 1990 partially confirm this suggestion. Immigrants from earlier periods have higher family incomes than more recent immigrants and are more often employed as managers or practice a profession. And yet, there are a higher percentage of graduates of higher education among new entrants than their predecessors or aboriginal people.

American DiversityMexican Americans

The Mexican population movement to the United States started since the last century when part of Mexico's territory became a possession of the United States for historical reasons that this is not the place to review. A fact is that suddenly the border moves south and Mexico got its present territory. Physically, the boundary is non-existent at that time and Mexicans are no obstacle to move to the neighboring country on everything from extending the network of roads of Mexico, people can move with relative ease, in particular railways made it possible for many people could travel from the country's Central Plateau to the border with the United States, especially in the southwest of the country, region began to experience strong economic growth based on agriculture. (Herman, 2005)

During the last two decades of the nineteenth and first two of this 1as, Mexican immigrants played an important role in the construction of railroads in the southwestern United States, especially those of companies Southern Pacific and Santa Fe Mexican workers came to represent 70% of the gangs and only in 1908 were recruited over 16 000 of them destined for the railroads. There are different claims of Mexican war in history books in one stance it is ...
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