History Of United States

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History of United States

History of United States


In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the U.S started getting involved in world affairs. For many years, it has been observed that the U.S had celebrated the repression of Spain in Cuba. However, as the battle was threatening to burst in Europe, U.S started seeking refuge in a policy of isolation. Before the time of World War I, U.S had a call for a Moral Substitute for War by United Nations of the World or International Federation of Nations. President Woodrow Wilson called a League of Nations in the year of 1918 for preventing future wars being a part of 14 points.


The Balkans Crisis

The crisis of Balkan started when Austria-Hungary took over Bosnia. This annexation took place as they wanted to enlarge their empire into the Balkans. It has been observed that Serbia was annoyed as they willed Bosnia to be a part of Greater Serbia, because there were huge Slavic people surviving. Later on Russia supported Serbia because they consider themselves as the defender of the Slavic people which Serbia planned to protect. Russia and Serbia were needed to look down as Germany supported Austria-Hungary with the Triple Alliance of 1882(globetrotter.berkeley.edu). The army of Germany was far firmer than Russia; therefore, they only had the option of backing up, however, Russia started beginning to modernize its military and accelerated their mobilization. Moreover, Russia was influenced to not support again.

The Persian Gulf War

The Persian Gulf War was started when Iraq encroaches upon its neighbor, Kuwait when their discussion collapses over the debt repayment and production of oil. Later on, the president of Iraq, Saddam Hussein takes over Kuwait and announces it as a nineteenth province of Iraq. U.S former President, Bush believed that Iraq is intending to conquest Saudi Arabia and hold control on the oil supplies ...
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