History Of The United States Army Special Forces Or Better Known As The Green Beret

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History Of The United States Army Special Forces Or Better Known As The Green Beret


The United States Army Special Forces are also known as the Green Berets due to the distinctive hats its members wear. Approximately 4,500 soldiers serve in the unit, which was created to engage in unconventional forms of combat, primarily guerrilla warfare. However, the unit's task has expanded since its beginnings. Five active-duty units and two national guard units compose the Berets. The Pentagon assigns each unit to a specific region, and these Berets must learn primary languages and cultural traditions of the countries that compose their "area of responsibility." (Zinn 25)


In 1952, the Pentagon created the United States Army Special Forces. The unit began under the aegis of the United States Army Psychological Warfare Division (which was created during World War II to engage in psychological warfare against the Germans). During the so-called "Cold War," (Vickers 45)Special Forces clandestinely entered various countries to wage guerrilla warfare against organizations sympathetic to the Soviet Union.

Indochina Wars and Vietnam War

During the early 1950s, the Pentagon deployed the Green Berets as advisers to the South Vietnamese Army. (Tindall 96)They trained the South Vietnamese to fight guerrilla-style. They also participated in counter-guerrilla fighting as the U.S. escalated its war against North Vietnam. Green Berets would win 17 Medals of Honor during the this conflict, but the North Vietnamese, led by Ho Chi Minh, eventually would win the guerilla war and take control of the country.

El Salvador

The United States deployed some Special Forces soldiers in El Salvador during the 1980s to train the Salvadorean military who were engaged in a civil war the Farabundo Marti National Libertarian Front (FMNLF). (Schweikart 102)Despite the presence of the Berets, the FMNLF achieved a cease-fire with the government of El Salvador in 1993, and it is now one of the two leading political parties in the country.


During the 1980s, the United States deployed Green Berets in Colombia to contain drug trafficking. The soldiers served as advisers to the Colombian government and military leaders, but, due to the entrenchment of the drug lords, their efforts have enjoyed minimal success. The United States still rotates (Schlemmer 23)Army Special Forces soldiers among different regions of Colombia.

Afghanistan and Iraq

Recently, the Pentagon deployed Army Special Forces troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. In Afghanistan, Berets interacted with local, provided basic necessities and conducted humanitarian projects to win over the people. (Resch 12)They also hunted Taliban spies and disrupted terrorist camps. In Iraq, members of the Special Forces trained Kurdish forces to fight against Saddam Hussein. The Berets also helped train the Iraqi military forces that emerged after Hussein fell from power.


Green Beret

During World War II, US Army Special Forces personnel wore a variety of headgear during their operations as members of special operations units. Those who served with the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in Europe often adopted whatever headgear their French or Belgian Resistance compatriots wore. This was often a beret, since many of the OSS teams served ...
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