History Of State And Federal Prisons

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History of State and Federal Prisons

History of State and Federal Prisons


The Prison system of United States has been acknowledged worldwide. The document sheds light on the history of federal and state prison systems along with the over-crowding problem in prison system these days. It further discuses some of the very important case studies.


History of Federal and State Prison Systems

History of punishment dates back to the origin of various civilizations. The former colonial criminal edicts were a inquisitive blend of English barbarity, religion, and pragmatism. Ever since the beginning of the world people have devised ways to punish individuals who commit offensive and intolerable acts. The idea of prisons however came later and the use of jails and detention methods was seen as more humanitarian process when compared to formal corporal methods to punish an offensive individual. In 1700 century the former philosophy of prison was presented and was accepted widely. In 1790 first ever prison was constructed in United States named as Walnut Street Jail. As the time went by the framework and processes of prison systems were devised and by 1930 The Federal Bureau of Prison was developed by congress that was headed by President Herbert Hoover .The original impartial United States prison was an old army penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas and started accommodating offenders in 1895 (Keve,1995).

In1880s, with the establishment of Sing Sing penitentiary, the state prison system came into existence. It is one of the oldest state prisons and is still being used at present. The state penitentiary system is comprised of a set-up of small jails that has the majority of prisoner population of United States. Ever since the beginning of state systems the jail population has been augmenting vigorously.

Although the former history of federal prison system initiated in 1890, however it wasn't until 1930 that bill was signed by President Hoover concerning the establishment of proper federal system that virtually initiated the configuration of federal prison facilities and decrees.

By nineteenth century penitentiaries became viewed as more than an alternative to atrocious corporal reprimands. It was seen as rehabilitative and competent way of altering the folks from within to turn out to be better individuals.

Security Level in State and Federal Prison System

Although the federal and state prison frameworks can at times confiscate some individuals for crimes of same nature but they do differ in some aspects. The federal and state jail systems are similar however there are numerous things that differentiate both the frameworks in their own unique aspects. The federal prison framework calls for incarceration of individuals for prolong period of time, many individuals who consult to the federal prison system are connected with or are white collar criminals where as state inmates are largely blue collar criminals (Sellers, 1993).

Various types of state prison institution exist with various types of security levels. State prisons however operate on three basic security level this includes minimum, medium and high security level however in last decade addition of fourth security level has been done ...
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