History Of Social Policy

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History of Social Policy

History of Social Policy

1. Explain the meaning of the following terms: (Industrialisation, urbanisation, public health problems and the implications for state provision)


The industrialisation refers to the development of the manufacturing sector. In other words, it explains the process of mounting up the state's capability to generate secondary goods, as well as services, sustained economic development due to the expenditure on manufacturing, frequently in the course of automating procedures. At the start, industrialisation mainly based on the production in factories, but in the later part stretched to agriculture along with services (Belchem, 1990, pp: 1750-1900).

On the other hand, one school of thought is of the opinion that, Industrialisation defines the process of social as well as economical change that alters a human cluster from an agrarian civilization to an industrial society. It is an element of a wider process of modernisation, in which the social changes along with the economic expansion as it closely connects with technology (Belchem, 1990, pp: 1750-1900).


The term Urbanization denotes to the movement of people from the rural areas to the urban areas as well as the resultant escalating percentage of the population that dwell in urban places rather than the rural areas. It generates from the Latin word 'Urbs' a term that is used by Romans to a town (Clark, 1975, pp: 205).

In other words, Urbanization is a 2 way process since it absorbs not only shift from the urban areas i.e. villages to cities as well as alteration from agricultural profession to trade, business service as well as profession. However, it also grips shift in the attitudes of the migrant, values, beliefs as well as behaviour patterns. The procedure of urbanization is swift all across the globe. The amenities such as the health care system, education, civic facilities, as well as the employment avenues along with the social welfare are grounds drawing people towards the urban regions (Clark, 1975, pp: 205).

Public health Issues

One of the primary concerns of the government of a state as well as of the citizens related to the health issues of the entire population. This issue does not encompass only on individuals along with the features or highlights the issues that relate to the prevention of diseases. It contains the problem of epidemiological data along with the population surveillance. It also focuses on the complex interaction of a number of factors such as behavioural, biological, ...
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