History Of Communication

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History of Communication

History of Communication


To start with the history of business communication, of course there is a need to start discussion with the histories of communication process and later to business operations. If we combine both terms together, they become the component of successful business. Communication is process of transferring ideas and sharing thoughts between two or among several people in words. Once the thought come in the mind of a person, he/she transform or encode these thoughts into words which are understand by other people and convey these thoughts to other people. People who listen or hear these words may be able to decode these words into their understanding. This is called the process of communication. Communication can take place in other kinds of transferring the messages. Communication can be occurred as a gesture. Sounds, body languages, facial expressions and visuals can also be the part of communication. The communication is the act of communicating, establishing a relationship with others, and to convey something to someone. It can also refer to all the resources and technology to broadcast a message to an audience more or less large and heterogeneous or action to someone or an organization to inform and promote its business with others, to maintain its image, by any process media (Carbone, 1994).

It affects both humans, the animal, the plant (communication intra-or inter-species) or machine (telecommunications, new technologies), and their hybrids: human-animal, men technologies etc. It is in fact shared by several science disciplines that do not respond to a single definition. And if everyone agrees to set the minimum as a process, there are different views when it comes to qualifying (Carbone, 1994).

The "Computer Science and Communication," offer an approach to communication centered on the transmission of information. The psychology is primarily concerned with interpersonal communication (dual, or triadic grouped). Communication is seen as a complex system-on all that happens when individuals interact. Cognitive processes, emotional and unconscious are taken into account. In this context, the information transmitted is always multiple, the transmission of information is only part of the communication process and that different levels of meaning circulate simultaneously.


Main Areas of Communication

Between humans, the practice of communication is inseparable from life in society. The science of communication - as a study of the practice - includes a very large that can be divided into several levels: (Carbone, 1994)

The Inter-Personal Communication

Communication transmitter types - Message - Receiver

This form of communication has been formalized in the past two centuries. Interpersonal communication is based on the exchange from person to person, and is a face to face relationship: the feedback is supposed to be facilitated if almost systematic. Sometimes it is said that communication is "holistic", that is to say, it involves the whole man (verbal and non- verbal) and the environment (possibility of environmental interference in the communication).

For the Palo Alto, communication is fundamental and essential to the man, "you cannot live without communicating." We remain silent or we speak, everything is ...
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