History Of Canning

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History of canning

The question of how to protect products from damage was served by mankind in ancient times. Storage of the stocks of food for longer period of time became necessary because for the armies of expeditions. The first method used for the storage of food was drying. Meat or fish dried in the sun, sometimes by rubbing it between stones, with the help of powder or by mixing it with spices. Such a mixture was stored in leather bags over six months.

More than 200 years ago, the invention was made in the radically, which changed the view of mankind thoughts about storage products and simplify the lives of professional chefs and ordinary housewives all over the world. The first canned food made by man, were found during excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamen in Egypt. They were roasted with olive oil and embalmed duck in a clay bowl, oval halves of the glue that held resinous putty. (Fellows, 1999)

MV Lomonosov in 1763 was organizing an expedition to study the Polar Regions and the Northern Sea Route, and thus made an order for production of dried soup with herbs and spices, without a half pounds of each species. It shows that the two centuries ago, soup concentrate traveled to Russia by land and the Arctic Ocean to Kamchatka. Irish Nidgem preserved hard boiled mutton gravy in corked bottles but it spoiled after a day as it was become full of germs. Italian Spallatsiani saw the mistake made by the Irish Nidgem and therefore corked the bottle tightly after boiling food products. As a result, the food remained fresh and fit to eat for several days.

In 1795, intending to conquer the whole of Europe, Napoleon Bonaparte declared a reward of 12,000 francs to the chef, who found a way to keep food fresh for a long time. Scientific disputes of the two scientists Nidgema and Spallanzani (first argued that the microbes arise from nonliving matter, and the second claimed that each microbe has its own ancestor) led far from the science of French chef and confectioner Nicolas Francois.

The idea was that the products should hermetically seal and cooked, and then the food products can be stored for a long time. His assumption proved correct as prolonged storage of food was achieved as well as products remained of high quality. It took him more than ten years to ...
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