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Advocates of Military Change

Advocates of Military Change


Strategic bombing constitutes of Aerial bombing that is aimed at targeting the civilian, as well as the industries and infrastructure of the enemy country. It is termed as the capability to fight effectively. The premise of implementation is to boost a country's existing strategy. The concept was introduced by Germany (www.britannica.com). The act of strategic bombing occurred amidst the time span of 1914 to 1918. The act was initiated by Britain along with France to have a diplomatic understanding and central powers for Germany.

During the interwar period, advocator Giulio Douhet changed by introducing air strategy. Giulio's advice was based on his experience that bombing should be the primary mode of attack from higher altitudes. The change in the air strategy resulted from the war that took place against the Ottoman Empire for the control of Libya. The mode of attack that was utilized in the attack was via transport and artillery along with confined bombing roles. Later, after undertaking the command of the Italian aviation, he wrote another book highlighting the importance of the rules of using airplanes amidst war (www.airpower.au.af.mil).

Giulio Douhet, due to his credibility was noted as the "foremost" strategic air theorist of the twentieth century. When the First World War initiated, Douhet advised Italy to utilize military buildup inclined towards aerial attack. His reasoning was that it could transform the opposing enemy harmless. His proposition constituted of 500 bombs and 125 tons of bombs dropped daily. Such proposition was ignored since it was termed as extreme. In 1915, when Italy raged a war, Douhet was taken aback by the degree of incompetence present. He criticized the mode of conduct and recommended the use of air power. He also wrote a letter belittling the conduct which led to his arrest. He ...
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