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Significance Of The History Of The Pacific Islands Lies In The Fact That The Earth Itself Is An Island In Space. The Differences of Climate in Pacific Island and Earth Must Be Understood

Significance Of The History Of The Pacific Islands Lies In The Fact That The Earth Itself Is An Island In Space. The Differences of Climate in Pacific Island and Earth Must Be Understood

Climate models indicate that climate change may lead to further impacts such as, interAlia increased atmosphere and ocean temperatures, greater rainfall variability, increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, coral bleaching, soil degradation, invasive species, and sea level rise.

The vulnerability of PICTs (Pacific Island Countries and Territories) is primarily influenced by the high sensitivity of the Pacific's natural, economic and social systems to the anticipated impacts of climate change, and the low capacity of all these systems to adapt (Joireman et al. 2010).

The 2010 Leaders' endorsement of the principles to promote more effective coordination and implementation of climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts consistent with the Cairns Compact and PIFACC. Similarly, the 2010 Environment Ministers' Madang Communiqué urged SPREP members to enhance the capacity at the national level to access financing for the implementation of concrete adaptation and mitigation measures add to the urgency of timely support to PICTs in the implement of PIFACC guided by national priorities.

Better understanding of climate change, variability and extreme events are needed to inform responses at the community, national and regional levels. This will mean understanding existing observations, improving the quality and quantity of relevant data, improving access to data and information, undertaking analyses to understand vital climate processes and translating climate change science into applicable information products and tools to inform decision makers.

Developing scientific capacity in the region will be an important element that underpins the implementation of this Framework. The need to communicate climate change science to stakeholder at all levels to support decision making in both adaptation and mitigation is also crucial in ensuring that development planning incorporated climate change risks (McNeill 1994).

Most of the small Pacific islands (Vanuatu, Samoa, Tonga, Kiribati, and Tuvalu) are now recovering and experiencing positive growth after being impacted in different ways by the global economic crisis. The islands face unique challenges of small size, remoteness, and vulnerability to external shocks. Recent gains remain precarious and vulnerable to further shocks. In the event of any appreciable deterioration, in economic conditions, in key partner countries, donors will need to play a vital role in providing financing in the Small Pacific Islands to maintain public spending, which remains a critical source of employment, demand, and growth.

If the Earth's climate was stable enough to sustain life for millions of years, the climate is dynamic and subject to change. The data provided by fossils and other indicators such as the diameter of the tree rings, the growth of marine organisms and vegetation types revealed by the fossil pollen, clearly show that the Earth's climate has been characterized by periods of hot weather and cold weather from ...
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