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Answer to Question 1

The Role of Crusades

The period of eleventh and thirteenth centuries resulted in the development of seven unusual crusades. Through the crusades, the contacts with Eastern part of the world get widened. As a result, of this expansion their isolation came to an end. However, it was not difficult to escalate the economic effects of the crusades, they caused influence on reopening of the Eastern Mediterranean to the Western commerce, which itself had caused its effect on the rise of the cities, as well as the emergence of a money economy in the Western part of the globe (William, 1989).

The Role of Spice Trade

The spice trade is a business for the marketing of spices and herbs and spices since the ancient times, mainly between Europe and Asia. Asian civilizations were the source of trading since the earliest times and the Greco-Roman world get involved with the traffic generated along the Incense Route and the Roman trade with the Indian. The exchanges were totally transformed by the Great discoveries of Europeans who put the spice trade in the forefront of the objectives of European traders. The opening of the route from Europe to India by the Cape of Good Hope by Vasco de Gama in the late fifteenth century revolutionized the manner and extent of trade. Moreover, this trade led the economy into modern times and triggered a period of domination of the East European countries, Portugal first, then the Netherlands, England and France, entrusting this task to different Indian companies (Joel, 1996).

Answer to Question 2

The late medieval ages can be witnessed by the great development of ships. Various types of ships developed during the late medieval age include Caravel, Carrack, Crayer, Hoy, Picard and Birlinn. Most of these ships were developed in Portugal. The lord ...
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