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Barbarian Leaders and Roman Aristocracies: Fall of Roman Empire

Barbarian Leaders and Roman Aristocracies: Fall of Roman Empire


During the Late Roman Antiquity, significant developments have taken place in the political, social and cultural level that determined the course of Europe in the future. The fall of the Western Roman Empire marked the end of the ancient world. The Western Empire ceased to exist, from 476, but formally called barbarians themselves the heirs of the Roman power in Western Europe, recognizing more in words, the rule of the emperor in Constantinople. It is said that the invasion of Barbarians was the most important cause of fall of Roman Empire. Barbarians were migrated from the East in Rome and soon they realized their own power and initiated to occupy this historic land with different means. In this paper the interaction between the Barbarians and the Local aristocracies of Roman Empire is discussed under the light of those barbarian migration and invasion.


The main reason for the collapse of the Western Roman Empire is the large movement of "barbarian" peoples from the border towards the interior of the empire. The existence of the Germanic tribes in the territories of the Roman Empire had resulted to the creation of uprisings aimed at self-determination of tribes, potentially affected from within the function of the Roman Empire. Gradually, because of government instability and dysfunction of the Roman Empire, they began creating organizations and tribal groups score to claim part of the management of the areas in which they are established.

Subsequently these movements accelerated violently in times of famine or invasion of other nomadic tribes more dangerous as the Huns. The Huns were there during their governance of Attila (434 to 453 AD), caused the largest displacement of people in the Western Roman Empire and led to a partial demographic change. The Roman government was forced to receive and host migrating people, to give them land for cultivation, to recognize them as Confederate concluding peace treaties or to use them as soldiers against other 'barbarian' peoples.

Almost all of the gang invaders and allies initially wanted only to live in the Empire, under the tutelage of Rome and in the shadow of its all-honored name. Almost all of them declared themselves allies, soldiers and defenders of Rome. To achieve the obedience of the Roman people, they appeared in public in the form of Roman officials, consuls and patricians, and the signs of its Roman ranks wore over his own clothes barbarian chiefs. These kings and princes ruled by the old bureaucratic system, and with the support of the old Roman aristocracy and the church. After 100 years or so later, they recognized the futility of pretence. Barbarian rulers were strong servility of Romanized peoples and believe that they have the power to continue, as long as they keep undivided military domination, which lost Rome to the barbarians. Therefore, they did not wait to show their power and then the civilized world has experienced devastating consequences of the ...
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