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Question 1

"The Columbian Exchange" is a phrase that represents the various types of exchange that occurred between Native Americans and Europeans after the discovery of the Americas in 1542. This exchange is separated into three groups: food or animals, diseases and ideas. The Columbian Exchange was very important in the history of ecology, agriculture, and culture. It was a large exchange of plants, animals, food, people, diseases, and ideas between Europe and the Americas (Crosby, 1987). After the first voyage of Christopher Columbus in 1492, many explorers and conquerors came to the Americas Europe. They started very few changes important in the Americas (New World) and Europe (Old world).

The Columbian exchange is one of the major event in the history of agriculture, ecology and cultivation.teh term tell us about the enormity of the agricultural goods, live stock and population. Therefore, we can say that the exchange of plants and animals change the life of the Europeans, Americans, Africans and Asians. The term describes the enormity of the exchange of agricultural goods, the livestock, human population whose slaves and infectious diseases between the hemispheres west and is from 1492. Many things were exchanged between the two hemispheres, causing a revolution in the Americas and Europe. In 1492, the first voyage of Christopher Columbus opened an era of contact between Old and New World which led to this ecological revolution: hence the name of the Colombian exchange (Byrne, 2004).

The Columbian Exchange affects everyone because exchanged destructive diseases that killed many people, but also brought important meal to other parts of the world. For example, potatoes became a very important meal in Europe through exchange. But perhaps the influence important was the mix of cultures. The exchange changed for all religion, language, and races of people worldwide.

In the Americas and the European history, the Columbian exchange is more related to the discovery of the so called new world and is considered as one of the most significant ecvents in the human history. The first part, food and animals, is the most concrete. In the Americas, before the discovery and colonization, there was no large domesticated mammal. Because of this, when the horse came to the Americas, marked a change in transportation methods. Other animals also came from Europe and revolutionized society. Pork and Gallena were imported from Europe and were joined to the new diet that came up (Carson, 1999).

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