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Describe the origins and aims of labor movement and socialist politics (Karl Marx) in the nineteenth century. Describe the lives of upper, middle and working class women in English speaking countries between 1850 -1914.

Marx and Engel's describe the capitalist society as a society of revolutionary upheaval of traditional relationships, at its core, the production area, as a society of “exploitation "and" alienation ".

In his early writings, including in the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts (1844) emphasizes Marx aspect of alienation. The workers of the product of their labour would be alienated because of this, appropriated by the capitalists to assume the form of capital that controlling the workers. Substantial potential and opportunities for development of the human "species-being", that is the human creative possibilities, would so "perverted" and through a subtle form of slavery replaced, even if these apparent on one, but only legitimate freedom rests. Work under capitalism is not a way of self-realization but enforced by the state labour wage workers (Clawson, pp.74).

Marxist Theories

The fundamental concept of Marxist theory is on the layer of coupon-clippers unique to parasitic imperialism has been reduced rather than extended following the structural transformations mentioned above. The giant trusts backing their investments more by self-supporting than by issuing transferable shares. There is a bureaucratization of monopolist resources, and the structure rests more and more on a pecking order of influential administrators (executives), who are most often themselves big or average share-holders. The parasitic quality of moribund capitalism appears above all in the vast extent of infertile expenditures (in the first place armaments, but also the preservation of the state apparatus), and in the vast costs of giving out (Coates, pp.58).

Marx theory of capitalism that it was set on a course towards self destruction, because of the reason that under capitalism, the whole society will be divided into two main classes, rich and poor, that is, the "haves" and "have not". Exploitation of the last of the former leads to the class struggle in society. Class struggle sometimes causes replacement of capitalism by a socialist model of society. This is a very serious accusation against an economy based on the price system that the capitalist economy promotes economic inequality in society. General observations of the capitalist economy, especially in the context of the U.S. economy, show that income and wealth distribution is very uneven, and there is a large gap between rich and poor. Despite government intervention, the gap between them is improved. Class struggle sometimes causes replacement of capitalism by a socialist model of society. This is a very serious accusation against an economy based on the price system that the capitalist economy promotes economic inequality in society. General observations of the capitalist economy, especially in the context of the U.S. economy, show that income and wealth distribution is very uneven, and there is a large gap between rich and poor. Despite government intervention, the gap between them is improved.

A very important aspect in this context, it was a radical revival of "neoclassical" free market "economy and the utopia of a market society ...
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