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Americans in the late 1800's agreed most strongly with the imperialist views of Albert Beverage and Josiah Strong. America had expanded, from the small east coast thirteen-state-country it had been in the late 1700's, until reaching the shores of the Pacific Ocean in the west. There was infrastructure, like railroads, connecting the entire country. The most recent census taken at the time said that there were no more undeveloped lands on which new immigrants could settle. This began the U.S. looking toward expansion in a whole new light. New inventions, like the light bulb and sewing machine, were increasing worker productivity. Industrialization had taken hold and America produced more goods than the population could use.

Surpluses existed in corn, wheat, cotton, and many manufactured goods. The country needed new markets to fill the order sheets of its progress. At much the same time the United States was growing in international prestige throughout the world. A victory in Cuba over the Spanish had elevated the military status of the country. The growth of the U. S. had fascinated many social scientists of the time. They explained the rapid successful growth of America to the Darwinian of survival of the fittest.eHaving opportunities not found in the home country, millions of immigrants came to the U. S. in hope of a better life. The arrival of all the new labor drove the wage down and productivity up. There were many jobs that used this labor pool to the best of their abilities. In this way the railroads, Erie Canal, and telegraph wires were constructed and maintained. America had run low on large projects that used massive amounts of labor and settled new lands along the way. A new view of expansion was needed. Never before had the U. S. faced a question such as this and many conflicting views were voiced. Expansionists argued on three fronts. These included expanded trade and new markets with their raw materials, bringing a superior form of government with all of its liberties to new people, and lastly, most importantly were bringing Christianity with them.

There were many reasons given by both Josiah Strong and Albert Beverage as to why expansion was necessary. The underlying theme to all of these arguments is religious. These men felt that it was not only the God-given right and responsibility of America to expand, but her sacred duty to God. They argued that there was no way that all of the god-given gifts bestowed upon the U. S. should not be shared with the rest of the world. Why else would God have chosen America unless He wanted her to give these gifts to the rest of the world? (Beveridge) "It is a mighty people that He has planted on this soil; a people sprung from the most masterful of history; a people perpetually revitalized by the virile, man -producing working folk of all the earth; a people imperial by virtue of their power, by the right of their institutions, by authority ...
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