Historical Report On Race

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Historical Report on Race

Historical Report on Race


Before the beginning of the 20th century, women would hardly be exposed to the opportunities to express their intentions to perform roles other than assigned to them on the basis of their gender. Marrying with a handsome and well settled man, becoming a housewife and bearing children were the future prospect for the women. In fact, effective management of domestic chores, keeping family intact and happy were the goals of the women, and those who dare to keep goals other than that could not have either means or resources or opportunities to fulfill them.

This is because, they are not offered the comfort first of all to express goals any other than becoming a housewife.Compare to the life of women in the past a major change is explicit in it. Besides assuming traditional jobs allocated by male dominated society women roles is now extended from motherhood and domestic chores. There are substantial disjunctures evident in the lives of women during 19th century, as many family businesses require the support of women for in-house manufacturing. The women since then have started to be the part of economic activities.


Women have come so far, even in just the last 50 years. Today it seems as though women are equal to men, but that is not the case. There is still discrimination, especially institutional discrimination against women. Institutional discrimination is denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups that result from normal operations of a society. Though women are almost equal, many people still deny women jobs in favor of a man; women can be denied loans, housing, etc. Many women now have jobs and aspirations to work in fields generally dominated by males such as police forces, firefighting, law, etc. There is a glass ceiling in the workforce where women are unlikely to reach the highest positions and pay. A glass ceiling is the barrier that blocks the promotion of a qualified worker because of gender or minority membership.


The femininity and masculinity have lived a long process over the course of history, along which have experienced moments of repression, inequality, injustice and intolerance that led to the emergence of new pattern ideas, they have created a new concept of today are men and women. And it is as individuals can be part of society function in a family, part of a state, a country and ...
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