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Historical Methodology

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Historical Methodology

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Historical Methodology

Question no. 1: Empires

Describe the specific administrative documentation technologies that made your three empires great.

Egyptian Empire

The arrangement of Egyptian Empire got considered around 6,000 years old, situated on the bank of river Nile. Egyptian Civilization was amongst the most advanced technological arrangements of the history. Egyptian Empire lasted from 3,000 B.C. till 525 A.D. The empire had pursued several technological milestones that have astonished may of the modern day historian.

Egyptian Empire had well-built administrative structure under Pharaohs, and so as they had strong administrative communication apparatuses and information handling system. As system expanded, a symbolic hieroglyphic writing style got developed to communicate the ideology of the aristocratic class. The notion of the godly rights of autocratic emperor got developed from 2,900 B.C. to 2,550 B.C (Geoffrey, W. Y., 2005). The artistic representations on the Pyramids got considered vital ritual of funeral. The words written on the Pyramids symbolize the divine power of Kings (Geoffrey, W. Y., 2005).

All administrative communication got conducted through Hieroglyphic tablets, which got made up of sand, clay or stone, and the information handling was done through entrenching hieroglyphs on tombs and inside Pyramids. However, when absolute monarchy shifted in the democratic system the communication medium had also transformed into Papyrus (Geoffrey, W. Y., 2005). The development of Papyrus replaced Hieroglyphic scripts by cursive writing that had made administration more effective and efficient.

Greek Empire

The history of Greek Empire can be dated as old as 336 B.C. It was the accomplishment of Alexander the Great that had laid down the foundation of this immense empire. The communication of Greek Civilization got considered well-known for its spoken words; Poetry, speeches and drama. It was largely influenced by the oral tradition of communication (Teodorsson, S., 2006).

However, in the beginning of 7th Century B.C., the Greek highbrow intellectual derived their own writing style, known as the Greek alphabets. These Semitic alphabets consisted of 24 letters and incorporated consonants to enrich oral meanings by using vowels in writing (Teodorsson, S., 2006). The advent of Greek alphabets brought a revolutionary change in the administrative and literary written communication of the empire. Before this development, Greek empire exercises the script of Minoan civilization, which had considerably Phoenician alphabets (Teodorsson, S., 2006). The script of Minoans did not allow Greek people to elucidate their spoken words in literacy writing. This caused lack of control over information handling. A single administrative message disseminated can be perceived in various terms. The Greek alphabets allowed them to expand the exposure of written communication. This also transferred all administrative documentation in Greek alphabets. This not only increased the effectiveness of communication, but also provided better information handling throughout the system.

British Empire

British Empire is the world's largest empire ever built. It administered over 450 million people, considered being one-fifth of the world's population at that time. The area of land it ruled is approximately 33.7 million sq. km. There is no doubt that British Empire has the broadest span of control over the ...
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