Historical Development Of Police

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Historical Development of Police

Police Department Organization


The law of the United States of America is a system that derives largely from the Common Law (Common Law) that was current at the law of England at the time of the War of Independence. Today the supreme law of the country is the United States Constitution and under the principle of supremacy of the Constitution, the laws passed by Congress and the treaties that the United States is a party, represents the next rung of the hierarchy of sources of law. These form the basis for federal laws under the federal constitution in the United States, establishing the limits of the law and federal laws in the fifty states and other territories of the country.

The legislation on criminal procedure in the United States of America is composed of a multitude of cases jurisprudential interwoven with federal and state laws that allow the creation and operation of police agencies and other bodies monitoring the law, along with Prison systems and procedures for criminal prosecution. The procedure of habeas corpus also applies in the United States, and is used by suspects or prisoners to face a possible unlawful detention and on the other hand, the Civil Rights Act of 1871 provides the appropriate legal channel to claim damages suffered a possible case of police brutality (Bayley, 2002).

Types of police agencies

Judicial police is focused on investigations of crimes, these are the ones who are part of the events which took as assaults, rapes, murders, but this is federal in nature, here, at least ask you graduate. State police is the police who serve the state, which supports the same and is as a second source after the prosecution. Federal-police, as its name indicates, belongs to the Federation. It is responsible for containing the violence, has the weapons and strategies to do so, also, their salary, according to the newspaper El Universal, is higher than municipal and state minimal degree. Municipal police are responsible for supporting the crimes of common law, its function is only the first filter, and they serve as support to other corporations, studios minimum school. Ministerial police are raised by the parties to the criminal events of the city in question, are the maximum head at the time of the assessment or support in the events, here at least ask for licensure.

Roles and functions of police organizations

The primary role of the Police Law ...
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