Hispanic American Diversity

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Hispanic American Diversity

Hispanic American Diversity


Majority of the Cuban Americans speak Spanish, however they can fluently speak English as well. Steady migration in to the American society has also brought some cultural transmission such as language. Having a harsh background of economic conditions many of the Cuban Americans experiences much better social and financial life in America, when compared to life back at their home country. Of all the Hispanic groups, Cuban Americans are the most fluent users of English language.

Cuban Americans are segregated in terms of religion, with most of the Cuban Americans worshipping Catholics, yet at the same time many Cuban's back at Cuba claims to have no faith or religion at all due to the government's predisposition. Immigrants from Cuba brought extreme poverty and other problems with them, but got employment opportunities in America for most of the part.

In contrast with other Hispanic Americans groups, a Cuban American family is more focused on close and immediate family members rather than including the extended family on both father and mother sides. Normally Cuban born Americans do not marry outside their community, whereas an American born Cuban is more expected to marry outside their community. The unemployment rate of Cuban American is lower than other Hispanic groups as well.

A group is defined as a set or collection of people who share same cultural experience, for example religion, ethnicity etc. The four Hispanic groups living in United States includes:

Mexican Americans

Puerto Ricans


All these four groups have its own cultural identity but they have been placed in the same category of Hispanic Americans on the basis of their languages .

Mexican Americans

The history of Mexican Americans is that they are hunters who migrated from Asia around 18,000 years ago. These people built highly organized civilizations such as Mayan, Toltec, Olmec, Aztec societies etc. most of which were proficient in mathematics, art and agriculture. By the end of the nineteenth century they have much improved their standard of living .


The language of the Mexican Americans is a mix of their national language English and Spanish, also called Spanglish. Spanish is a main language of almost all Mexicans living in southwestern region of United States.


Politically Mexican Americans are limited by discrimination, some of the Mexican Americans own offices in state legislatures and territorial in, Colorado, New Mexico and California. Though the Mexican Americans were specially selected by the Anglo Americans of these regions, these are the ones who control railroads, mines and local politics of the Southwest. The political structure exists has been manipulated to get benefit from the interests .

Mexican Americans are effectively promoting their school programming for children, which involves creativity and innovation and to enhance communication.


As the economy grew for low-wage laborers multiplied, and due to the increase in the expansion rate the demands for additional workers also increased. The Mexican immigrant, faced downturns in the Mexican economy. The percentage of Mexican landowners and merchants crossed into the United States in this early ...
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