High Scope Educational Model In Early Childhood Education

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High Scope Educational Model In Early Childhood Education

High Scope Educational Model In Early Childhood Education


Early childhood education is the most important phase that develops the positive attitudes and behaviors in the children. With the passage of time and with the growing importance of education in today's world, the importance of early childhood education is increased to develop the important skills and capabilities in the children and to prepare them in a manner that they can play their important roles in their future.

The high scope approach in childhood education particularly focuses on the active participation of children in the learning. The active learning of students involves various approaches and factors that are utilized by the educators in educating the children. These approaches involves the students in having the direct and hand on experiences with their teachers through which the children learn to experience the things and they also learn problem solving and decision makings by implementing their own unique ideas. The high scope models in early childhood education are developed in order to create the interests in the children to explore and learn different situations, objects and events. In today's early childhood educational sectors, the high scope models are developed in order to enable the children to create their own knowledge based on the real time experiences and based on the interactions with other people around them. Many important considerations are taken into account while developing the models for the early childhood education. These important considerations particularly involve providing the children with the problems and asking them to solve them with the help of their adults, it also involves providing the children with different situations by which the teachers and parents analyze the interests of their children.

The high scope models alone cannot be very effective as perceived unless and until there is not adequate support by the parents, teachers and the caretakers. The support given by the elders during the active learning settings gives the intellectual support to the children and increases and enhances the children thinking and learning powers.


According to Ann S. Epstein (2012), the high scope educational models and programs in early childhood education involves certain important characteristics. These characteristics involves welcoming and attracting the children towards learning and interacting, providing the effective learning materials to all the children, allowing the children to discover, utilize and returning back the provides materials independently, and encouraging the children to play and learn multiple things and games. The author has also suggested that the children must be allowed to experience the things that they want to have. Author has emphasized that children must be given the chance to move around the things that are present in the classrooms. When the children are given flexible working environments they move the things from one plays to another and from doing this they learn many things.

According to Lawrence J. and David P. (2010), the high scope educational models and programs in early childhood education provides the frame work for the education based practices ...
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