High Cost Of Health Care

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High Cost of Health Care


The United States of America is one of the countries with the most expensive health care system in the world. U.S. spends on health system more than any other country - both in absolute terms and in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. Thus, only in 2007 the U.S. spent on health 2.26 trillion, which amounts to 7,439 dollars per person. According to recent estimates in the U.S. health care consumes nearly 16% of GDP. It is expected that the share of GDP allocated to healthcare in the U.S. will increase to 2017 will amount to 19.5%. However, over the past 30 years, an increase of this sector is mainly due to government programs that could seriously undermine the financial stability of the country. This paper is a brief analysis of the High costs of health care in United States.


The health system of the United States includes all people and all government and private organizations and institutions whose task is to promote and maintain health, and preventing and treating diseases and injuries. It also includes all regulations relating to the relationship between health insurance companies, policyholders, providers and other involved groups. The relevant provisions deal with the health protection of the inhabitants generally as a private matter, a universal health insurance is not provided. A national health care is for residents who are younger than 65 years, only in exceptional cases. 45.7 million or 15.3% of the 300 million people are neither private insurance nor can they claim to government assistance. In medical emergencies, hospitals are under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) required by law, uninsured or inadequately insured patients also treated in the emergency room if it is foreseeable that they cannot pay the bill. Achieve health problems (yet) the level of a medical emergency, such patients may also be rejected.

Responsibility for the health of the nation is the Ministry of Health and Human Services, U.S. , headed by Secretary (Minister), who reports directly to the president. The ministry consists of 10 officials in the regions ("Directors"). It should be noted that in the United States Department of Health plays a modest role in connection with a small share of state involvement in the industry. Among the main objectives - control over the medical system and the implementation of social programs, control of medical science, monitoring and report to the authorities of the situation in the field of health, welfare and social services. Directly address the problems of medicine involved in the following divisions within the Department - Public Health Service and the Office of the financing of medical care. In addition to the Ministry of Health, parts of the functions in health are special units of the Ministry of Labor, the Agency for Environmental Protection and other state agencies.

Approximately 84.7% of U.S. residents are entitled to benefits from a private health insurance or are eligible for government health care. In 59.3% of the population health protection is mediated by the ...
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