Hewlett- Packard

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Hewlett- Packard

Hewlett- Packard

Good managers do not necessarily make effective leaders. However, both management and leadership are important to an organization in order to achieve its goals. In this paper I will show the difference between management and leadership, examine the role and responsibilities of leaders in creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture, show how the four functions of management support the creation and maintenance of a healthy organizational culture, and give my two recommendations that I believe will help to create and maintain a healthy organizational culture.

Mr. Hurd does the right things while other leaders do things right (Bennis & Nanus, 1985). To manage means to handle or direct with a degree of skill, to make and keep compliant, to treat with care, to exercise executive, administrative, and supervisory direction of. For Mr. Hurd to lead means to guide on a way especially by going in advance, to direct on a course or in a direction, or to serve as a channel for (Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary, 2008). Management is getting people to do something because they have to do it and leadership is getting people to do something because they want to do it. (Bolton, 2005)

At Hewlett- Packard good organizational management and corporate image is necessary to ensure effective delivery of public service for Hewlett- Packard. This type of business or service needs good organizational management and public relations in order to foster good relations with the customers. As stated earlier Hewlett- Packard operates and conducts business in more than 170 countries around the world. Hewlett- Packard fulfills their responsibility to society by being an economic, intellectual and social asset to each country and community where they do business. (Hewlett- Packard, 2008)As a CEO or a leader, it is important for Mr. Hurd to be aware of the distinct responsibilities ...
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