Heroin Prevention

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Heroin Prevention in U.K

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Heroin Prevention in U.K


Drugs are meant to serve a noble purpose in the treatment of patients in medical history. However, gradual change started appearing in the excessive use of drugs not only harmful for the physical functioning of the body but also resulting in creating severe changes in human behavior directly affecting the society. Heroin use has increased dramatically across the world. It is an addictive drug having harmful effects in human life. Its excessive use to addiction level has become a serious problem in United Kingdom. It has serious devastating impact in the life of an individual. Different social and government organizations are working independently or in collaboration with each other to get rid of this havoc. Heroin addiction is a serious social problem. A study conducted in 1996 reported that more than 2.4 million people are using or have used heroin at some point in their lives. Its consumption trend has been increasing in all age groups. People initially consume it for and excitement purposes but later on direct devastating impacts are created on individual's social life. Young ones, family, friends, and the society are affected greatly due to heroin addiction behavior of abuser.

Heroin -Overview

Heroin is medical drug that is processed from morphine which is a naturally occurring substance extracted from the seedpod of the poppy plant. Variants of Heroin are identified across the world. However, major two forms of heroin appear as white or brown powder. Different terms have been coined for the term Heroin in different regions of the world. It is being called as 'smack', 'junk', 'H', " "skag”, and many other terms (Fernandez, 1998). It is one of the deadliest drugs found across streets in the world today. A large population of heroin addict exists today in the world that has become a victim of this mess. It was basically formed as a medicine for use in treatment of patients. This drug went to streets as a result its abuse started occurring due to impulsive effect it creates on human mind for few moments (Fernandez, 1998).

The effect of drugs is largely explained by their ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and bind at different neuronal receptors, causing a cascade of changes in neurotransmission and brain function cell. In the short term, this property may explain symptoms of poisoning when the substance is con- pressed as a significant amount.

Heroin use- Statistics

A project in the UK shows that the use of controlled doses of heroin addicts can improve your quality of life and reduce the impact of the crimes associated with drug use. In the pilot project, initiated in 2005 and partially supported by the Government, participated, attending clinics in several cities in England enabled, 127 drug addicts, who injected heroin or, alternatively, they were offered the substitute methadone.

Crime and violence related drug abuse take different forms different strata of society. There are different forms of crime and violence related international cartels, there are violent crimes committed by or against ...
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